Your MPRN (Meter Point Reference Number) is the unique identifying number of the Gas meter at your property. It is usually a 6 to 10 digit number, sometimes referred to as an “M” number. It can be found on your gas bill (generally on the back of the bill).
Talk to the Meter Point Administration Service for your MPRN (Meter Point Reference Number)
You can: Use their online Find My Supplier search tool
Call them on 0870 608 1524.
They can also give you your Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN). This tells your energy supplier where your meter is and your gas supply number.
A Meter Point Administration Number, also known as MPAN, Supply Number or S-Number, is a 21-digit reference used in Great Britain to uniquely identify electricity supply points such as individual domestic residences. The gas equivalent is the Meter Point Reference Number and the water/wastewater equivalent for non-household customers is the Supply Point ID. The system was introduced in 1998 in order to provide a competitive environment for the electricity companies, and allows consumers to switch their supplier easily as well as simplifying administration. Although the name suggests that an MPAN refers to a particular meter, an MPAN can have several meters associated with it,[1] or indeed none where it is an unmetered supply. A supply receiving power from the network operator (DNO) has an Import MPAN, while generation and microgeneration projects feeding back into the DNO network are given Export MPANs
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What is an MPRN?