Energy4 News
Energy4 produces news articles on how the utility industry is being effected and consumption of utilities
Businesses produce news for several reasons:
Brand Awareness: By sharing news, businesses can increase their visibility and keep their brand in the public eye. This helps build recognition and trust with their audience.
Thought Leadership: Producing news allows businesses to position themselves as experts in their field. This can attract customers who are looking for knowledgeable and reliable partners.
Customer Engagement: Regular updates and news can keep customers informed and engaged with the company’s activities, products, and services.
Market Influence: By controlling the narrative, businesses can influence market perceptions and trends, potentially swaying public opinion in their favour.
Crisis Management: During times of crisis, businesses can use news to communicate their side of the story, manage public relations, and mitigate any negative impacts.
Investor Relations: Keeping investors informed with regular news updates can help maintain investor confidence and attract new investments.
Get In Touch
Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Friday
Call Energy4 Today For A Quote
01256643634 – South Office
01642888814 – North Office
Contract Form: Contact Energy4 today – click here
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By submitting your details you agree to Energy4 T&C’s and Privacy Policy
Energy4 Remains A Comparison Website
Provide the following information to Energy4
- Provide your business address
- The current name of your Supplier
- Annual Consumption (kW)
- Business registration (Private Limited, Sole-trader, PLC)
Complete Letter Of Authority (LOA)
Contract End Date (CED)
Termination notice period
Switch utility contracts or renewing contracts is possible with an application made before the Termination notice period. Changing energy supplier or renewed contracts when the termination notice period has been missed will result in a site being moved onto out-of-contract rates for the period specified below. Switch business sites to another energy supplier, or renewed.
Contract Energy4 for further information
- HAVEN – 120 DAYS
- CNG – 90 DAYS
- SSE – 30 DAYS
- EDF – 30 DAYS
- BG – 90 DAYS
- EON – 90 DAYS
- OPUS – 90 DAYS
- YGP – 90 DAYS
Energy quote from Energy4
Switch energy supplier or renew present supplier
Once the business owner has decided to switch the present Supplier or renew energy supplier, business credit reviewed as each Supplier has requirements. The contract confirmed with payment details provided. Paying by Direct Debit can usually save money.
Energy4 will then forward to the business owner a copy of the energy contract to be completed. Energy contract completed, and a copy returned to Energy4.
Energy contract submitted
Business owner retains the original energy contract.
Energy contract processed
The energy Supplier will notify Energy4 of the processing of the energy contract.
Previous energy supplier can reject the transfer
New energy supplier can reject the contract
– Objection to the Letter of Authority
– Business owner is already in a contract and is not free to leave when the incoming Supplier is applying to take the supply
– Business owner has debts or unpaid bills on their account before the new energy Supplier applies to take the supply
– The new energy Supplier is applying for the incorrect transfer date
– Business owner is applying for a Change-of-tenancy (COT), and the new energy Supplier is attempting to take the supply before the COT is logged
Confirm switch of energy supplier
Provide the following information to Energy4
Termination notice period
Termination by the Telegraph
Ofgem explains Termination
Telegraph explains
Which Magazine advice
Citizen Advice Bureau discusses
Switch energy supplier or renew present supplier
Information from Citizen Advice Bureau
Swith Energy explained by Which
Ofgem explains switching supplier
Legal side of switching supplier
Previous energy supplier can reject transfer
Ofgem explains how contracts can be rejected
Further information on how Ofgem reject contracts
Confirm switch of energy supplier or renew present supplier
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