FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) help customers find more information about company services and how products work.
Energy4 is here to help business customers. Due to many FAQs information requests being asked by Business customers, Energy4 has formulated the following Frequently Asked Questions page to assist business customers further.
Please review our Frequently Asked Questions information below. Please contact Energy4 by Telephone 01256643634 – South Office & 01642888814 – North Office or by Email for further questions?
FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions, and an FAQ page on your website is an organized collection of valuable information that your customers ask about your products and services. This page is a useful way to organize information that your customers often ask. FAQ pages can offer lots of benefits, including:
Improve your customer’s experience.
Provide quick information to help customers make a purchasing decision.
Reduce the time your employees need to answer simple questions.
Am I on the best tariff with my supplier? You may be on a tariff with your supplier, however without evidence; you will not know this is the best tariff that your current supplier can offer. Suppliers will not quote other suppliers. Prices may not be necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs. Why waste time checking with other suppliers when you can leave it all to Energy4? Our expert helps you can trust, with current energy market prices. The energy market is highly competitive, with prices and tariffs changing. Cheapest rates are constantly moving between energy suppliers, that includes the Big Six and others. It makes it difficult to say for sure which supplier is the most affordable. Am I on the best tariff Customers must allow Energy4 to prepare a compare energy supplier list. Allowing your tariff to slip from a fixed period contract to a variable one is one of the costliest moves to make in business. Be aware of when your current contract is coming to an end. Energy4 helps business customers stay on top of the latest energy deals from all of our suppliers. Energy4 will provide lists, clearly identifying the cheapest energy supplier for you. Energy4 can offer energy savings alerts performing all the work, spending time searching for the best energy deals again. Who is the best energy supplier depends on what’s important to you? Is it the supplier who has the best ratings? Cheapest? Has the best ratings? Or is it the most environmentally friendly? With all of these factors, we cannot say who the best energy supplier is. What we can do is present you with options to help you make the right choice for you. It’s important to understand that the energy market is constantly changing. New tariffs on the market, supplier ratings change, and greener energy sources are always in development. For this reason, it’s essential that you compare energy suppliers regularly. Best Tariffs based on energy price cap Energy price cap to increase in April but consumers should switch to save money Big increase in wholesale energy prices push up price cap by £96 to £1,138 to pre-pandemic levels The price cap continues to save consumers up to £100 a year and they can save up to £150 more by switching tariff Support is available for those struggling to pay their energy bills, especially Ofgem has announced today that from 1 April 2021 the price cap will return to pre-pandemic levels, principally as a result of changes in wholesale energy prices. When wholesale prices fell sharply last year in the wake of the first lockdown, the level of the price cap fell by £84 in October to its lowest level yet for the current winter period. Demand for energy has since recovered which has pushed wholesale prices back up to more normal levels. For six months from 1 April the price cap will increase by £96 to £1,138 for 11 million default tariff customers, and by £87 to £1,156 for 4 million pre-payment meter customers. The price cap protects consumers who have not switched energy supplier by ensuring they pay a fair price for their electricity and gas. Ofgem adjusts the level of the cap up or down twice a year to reflect the costs of supplying electricity and gas for suppliers. Households on default tariffs are saving an estimated £75-£100 a year or £1 billion in total on their energy bills as a result. Consumers who want to avoid the increase and save money should shop around ahead of the increase in the price cap on 1 April. Jonathan Brearley, chief executive of Ofgem, said: “Energy bill increases are never welcome, especially as many households are struggling with the impact of the pandemic. We have carefully scrutinised these changes to ensure that customers only pay a fair price for their energy. “The price cap offers a safety net against poor pricing practices, saving customers up to £100 a year, but if they want to avoid the increase in April they should shop around for a cheaper deal. “As the UK still faces challenges around COVID-19, during this exceptional time I expect suppliers to set their prices competitively, treat all customers fairly and ensure that any household in financial distress is given access to the support they need. “The government and Ofgem have been working with the energy industry and consumer groups to support customers through this difficult time and I urge anyone worried about paying their energy bills to contact their supplier and access the help available.” For the default tariff price cap level starting on 1 April, Ofgem has also allowed suppliers to claim £23 to cover higher levels of bad debt from more customers being unable to pay their energy bills due to the impact of COVID-19. This will ensure suppliers can continue to supply energy and protect their customers, especially those in vulnerable circumstances. Suppliers are required to provide emergency credit to customers struggling to top up their pre-payment meters, put those who are behind on their bills on affordable repayment plans and should not disconnect their customers. Many have gone further in providing support over the last year, for example helping pre-payment meter customers who are shielding to top up. Notes to editors Ofgem rules require suppliers to offer emergency credit to pre-payment meter customers and put customers struggling to pay their energy bills on realistic and sustainable debt repayment plans based on their ability to pay. If customers are struggling to pay for energy bills they should contact their energy supplier as soon as possible. Depending on their circumstances, customers may be eligible for extra help with their energy bills or services, such as payment breaks, suspending credit meter disconnections, and schemes like the Winter Fuel Payment or Warm Home Discount rebate. The Citizens Advice consumer service can provide advice on how customers can resolve problems with their energy provider. For complex or urgent cases, or if a person is in a vulnerable situation they may then be referred onto the Extra Help Unit. For help on how to switch to a better deal, see Ofgem’s guide. Contact Energy4 • Energy4 • Helping Your Business Save Money Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information Am I on the best tariff with my supplier? Am I on the best tariff with my supplier? Am I on the best tariff with my supplier? Am I on the best tariff with my supplier? Am I on the best tariff with my supplier? business electricity business gas Assumption About Smart Meters All energy suppliers aim to install smart meters in 85% of homes and small businesses in England, Wales and Scotland by 2024. However, due to 1/5 reporting issues due to poor outsourcing of parts, this might be delayed until 2035. There is nothing presently smart about it with present defect issues and sidestep current Ofgem policies on cutting-off customers. Smart meter stems from copying the name from Smart grid. The utility company should have called it Super-Meter and called it fancy over and over again whilst ignoring the present defects. For smart-grid to occur, innovative consumer units are required that can turn off specific fuses and circuit breakers of properties. This will assist during utility shortages and blackouts. Present misconceptions “Smart meter is compulsory” – Incorrect, they are not compulsory, and Ofgem agrees. “Suppliers are required by their licence to take all reasonable steps to roll out smart meters to all domestic and microbusiness customers by 2020” – Incorrect. Suppliers use the licence stance to roll out meters when this licence keeps meters in good working order. Ofgem is still discussing the question of compulsory meters. “If you don’t want to have a smart meter now, you will still be able to have one installed at a later date” – Incorrect. Costs recovered through the utility price, network cost, or even a maintenance operation cost. “The devices work well” – Incorrect. Evidence shows that more than 11% of smart meters stopped functioning correctly, or meter readings were complex. Energy supplier could not read the meter at 9%, 6% IHS will not connect or stopped working. 5% IHDs stopped working at distances from meters, 2% of meters do not work with solar panels, and 1% have inaccurate bills. Link 1 – Ofgem – A guide provided by Ofgem relating to the smart meter Where are “smart meters” from? Smart meter term is derived from copying the research name smart grid, which the network, utility companies, Ofgem, and the Government discussed heavily. This relates to dealing with blackouts due to utility shortages. The meter has nothing to do with smart grid. Smart grid relates to the consumer unit (fuse box) in the property, a Smart Consumer unit. This Smart Consumer unit will shut off all non-essential electrical appliance, leaving on fridges, and medical equipment on. Primary role of meter is to shut down the meter from outside the property. Poverty meter is the correct name. Correspondence between Energy4 and OfGem. Energy4 Saving Businesses Money. Request A Call Today For Further Information To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today business electricity business gas Can I change my energy provider, Yes. All businesses can change utility provide that operates within the UK based on locality, credit history, and capacity. Specific Green Energy suppliers and Local CHP suppliers can only supply to local customers However, business customers must: Ofgem establishes road map to make switching easier for consumers A fast and reliable switching process can encourage consumers to engage in the energy market, and make companies work harder to meet their needs. We have reviewed the switching process and identified changes that could deliver fast, potentially next day, transfers and improve the reliability of the process for consumers. We will consult in March on longer term changes that build on smart metering. Current rules on switching Can I change my energy provider, over 5 million switches took place in the last year. When a consumer decides to switch supplier, they should have confidence that the switch will be fast, reliable and straightforward. About our review Can I change my energy provider has been discussed by OfGem. Between May and October this year, Ofgem led a detailed review of the end-to-end switching process with consumer bodies, government and industry. Many of these arrangements Through our review we identified changes that can be implemented in the short term to improve speed and reliability. What consumers told us We conducted qualitative research with both domestic and business consumers about their experiences and what they want from a new change of supplier process. Securing improvements for consumers now Our consumer research shows that reliability is currently the number one priority for consumers. We have identified changes that should be made now to secure a reliable three Supporting the industry’s work to speed up the switching process in the short term Through our ongoing retail market reforms, Ofgem is introducing new rules to make the market simpler, clearer and fairer, so that consumers can identify the best deal for them. Longer term improvements to the switching process Review suggests that, by building on the roll-out of smart metering, we can go even further on switching timescales so that domestic and business consumers could move to their new supplier the next day, or even on the same day. Request A Call Today For Further Information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Further information from Ofgem business electricity business gas Can my gas and electricity be with different suppliers YES, businesses can have ANY supplier they prefer based on cost, tariff, personal preference and locality. Businesses NO LONGER need to acquire both gas and electricity from ONE supplier Energy4 will provide you with a report, looking at your accounts and find out which options would be best for your business needs However Businesses who have one Electrical connection that is separated into TWO meters across a site, both Electricity contracts must be with the same supplier. Since 2013 Energy4 has noticed Utility providers are misinforming business owners that all Meters on a site must be with one supplier. This is incorrect. Attempts have been used by Utility providers to prevent inaccurate information to business customers, especially quoting OfGem reports that are irrelevant, and in worse cases claiming it is a legal department issue if business customers do not agree that a supplier has access to all meters on a company property. The large 6 have been identified as the worst perpetrators of misinforming business owners. Making a complaint about your energy supplier or network operator Talk to them Explain the problem and what you want them to do. You can complain by email, letter or telephone. Keep records of contact you have with the company. You can find company contact details on a recent energy bill. If aren’t sure about your current supply details, see Finding your energy supplier or network operator. Get support Someone at their Extra Help Unit could take on your case if you are in a vulnerable situation or your energy could get cut off. They can also refer you to other organisations to help. This free service includes some support for small businesses. Free online tools and apps like Resolver.co.uk can also help you track and manage a complaint step-by-step. Contact Call Citizens Advice on 0808 223 1133 or use their online webchat. Energy companies should write to you to tell you how to do this at eight weeks or when you hit a ‘deadlock’. This is when neither of you can reach an agreement. You can refer a case to the Ombudsman within 12 months of a deadlock letter. Sometimes they can investigate an older complaint if you have not had a deadlock letter. The Ombudsman can make a company correct a problem, apologise and explain what happened. They can also make a company pay compensation. Its decisions are binding on the energy company. Complain to Ofgem if you can’t resolve an issue with a network operator or a comparison website accredited by the Ofgem Confidence Code. Contact Energy Ombudsman complaints form or call 0330 440 1624. Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/information-consumers/energy-advice-households/switching-energy-supplier Can my gas and electricity be with different suppliers business electricity business gas Council community switch is when a business or broker offers special prices to domestic customers by bringing many domestic customers together, with this large demand they can apply leverage to the network to provide much more competitive prices. This Council Community switch is also refrred to as the Big Switch, Area Community Switch, Switch Together, Large Switch. Energy4 has monitored domestic community switch for a while. After collecting information on the price of standing charge, and unit charge offered it has been found that there is no difference between the price offered by a domestic community switch and the price supplied by the noted supplier on there website. Energy4 did not identify a benefit. Domestic customers should remain vigilant, and check the supply price being offered by the switch against what the supplier can provide. Switch should provide better prices, but Energy4 has yet to find any witch group who can provide evidence that this has actually happened. Commercial collective switching does provide benefits, and placing sites and factories together has provided better prices for many Energy4 customers. Benefits for communities and schools These benefits include: A relaxation of the minimum energy efficiency requirement to level G and above (instead of level D and above), for non-domestic solar PV community energy and school installations to receive the higher generation tariff rate. This applies to installations with capacities up to 250kW Declared Net Capacity (DNC). Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information business electricity business gas Council community switch is when a business or broker offers special prices to domestic customers by bringing many domestic customers together, with this large demand they can apply leverage to the network to provide much more competitive prices. This Council Community switch is also refrred to as the Big Switch, Area Community Switch, Switch Together, Large Switch. Energy4 has monitored domestic community switch for a while. After collecting information on the price of standing charge, and unit charge offered it has been found that there is no difference between the price offered by a domestic community switch and the price supplied by the noted supplier on there website. Energy4 did not identify a benefit. Domestic customers should remain vigilant, and check the supply price being offered by the community switch against what the supplier can provide. Community switch should provide better prices, but Energy4 has yet to find any community switch group who can provide evidence that this has actually happened. Commercial collective switching does provide benefits, and placing sites and factories together has provided better prices for many Energy4 customers. Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/information-consumers/energy-advice-households/switching-energy-supplier https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/press-release/tenants-energy-rights-explained business electricity business gas Do energy prices vary YES, The wholesale price of gas and electricity is not easily predictable and continually fluctuates influenced by world events and the supply and demand of the world’s producers and consumers Fluctuating wholesale prices mean that the price of gas and electricity offered to UK commercial customers by the 15 or so supply companies is never the same By constantly monitoring the changes in the energy market, we can help the customer identify the most competitive gas and electricity prices for an individual business or site Do energy prices vary, and does the price cap affect me? It applies if you’re on a default energy tariff, whether you pay by direct debit, standard credit or a prepayment meter. It won’t apply if you: The price cap limits the rates a supplier can charge for their default tariffs. These include the standing charge and price for each kWh of electricity and gas (the units your bill is calculated from). Ofgem sets the cap level for summer and winter based on the underlying costs to supply energy. This keeps prices fair and makes sure suppliers reflect any drops in costs in your rates. Will my bills fall or rise under the price cap? The price cap won’t limit your total bill if you are on a default tariff. The cap level we set depends on costs in the energy market. So your bills could go down or up. Different factors also affect how much suppliers change their prices (the rate they charge you) to meet the cap: It’s best to contact your supplier for personalised information on your tariff. Any figures you may see in the media aren’t guaranteed. They also usually show a customer with ‘typical’ energy usage who pays by direct debit. So what you pay could be more or less than what’s reported. What next? Your supplier must automatically apply the price cap Ofgem sets if you are on a default tariff. That’s right so you get a fair price, but it won’t mean you’re on the cheapest deal. Shop around to see if you can get a better tariff. Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information business electricity business gas Do I agree to a verbal contract, No. Never agree any Verbal contract over the telephone with any supplier / energy broker. Request the contract standing charge and unit rates be emailed to you or send by letter. This benefits you as the business customer especially for legal reasons. Verbal contracts can be falsified. In our experience this only benefits the supplier and often means an in-depth process has not been fully completed to support your business. You can have confidence that Energy 4 will always provide you with all the options, advice and recommendations to make an informed and systematic decision based on facts and evidence provided. Commercial collective switching does provide benefits, and placing sites and factories together has provided better prices for many Energy4 customers. Energy4 offer a number of suppliers, who will accept contracts signed. We use a well established contract signature process as many suppliers refuse to access verbal systems as a form of agreement for contract. This is because written contracts are still covered under Law, which are legally binding. Furthermore Banks demand that written information be performed on contracts in reference to the addition of Banking information for direct debits. This relates to Insurance and the HM Treasury that protects Banks and Consumers. DO NOT agree anything over the telephone. Large quantity of fraud occurs due to mis-selling contracts, agreeing one thing on the the telephone, and then altering the contract structure of standing charges, and unit values. If a supplier does not provide a contract by email, and demands signature within 10 minutes walk away. True and False Verbal contracts are Costly if criminal activity is involved, and problematic for business. Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information Do I agree to a verbal contract business electricity business gas Do you work with other energy suppliers No. Energy4 does not work directly with other energy suppliers. Energy4, is a TPI (Third Party Intermediate), Not a sales consultant or sales contractor working on-behalf or for a specific energy supplier Energy4 provides an non bias service that is client focused, supplying clients with all the energy utility options available Energy4 receives commission from any supplier that your business decides to selects, based on price, tariff or personal preference Energy4 does not add, Secondary and Third charges to your bill. If this is found, please contact Energy4. The supplier that your business decides to selects will not place, Secondary and Third charges to your bill on our behalf. If this is found, please contact Energy4. How will my business benefit from your services? Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 & 01642 888816 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information Do you work with over energy suppliers Do you work with over energy suppliers Do you work with over energy suppliers Do you work with over energy suppliers Do you work with over energy suppliers Do you work with over energy suppliers business electricity business gas Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust Am I on the best tariff with my supplier?
You may be on a tariff with your supplier, however without evidence; you will not know this is the best tariff that your current supplier can offer. Suppliers will not quote other suppliers. Prices may not be necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs. Why waste time checking with other suppliers when you can leave it all to Energy4?
Our expert helps you can trust, with current energy market prices. The energy market is highly competitive, with prices and tariffs changing. Cheapest rates are constantly moving between energy suppliers, that includes the Big Six and others. It makes it difficult to say for sure which supplier is the most affordable. Am I on the best tariff Customers must allow Energy4 to prepare a compare energy supplier list. Allowing your tariff to slip from a fixed period contract to a variable one is one of the costliest moves to make in business. Be aware of when your current contract is coming to an end. Energy4 helps business customers stay on top of the latest energy deals from all of our suppliers. Energy4 will provide lists, clearly identifying the cheapest energy supplier for you. Energy4 can offer energy savings alerts performing all the work, spending time searching for the best energy deals again. Who is the best energy supplier depends on what’s important to you? Is it the supplier who has the best ratings? Cheapest? Has the best ratings? Or is it the most environmentally friendly? With all of these factors, we cannot say who the best energy supplier is. What we can do is present you with options to help you make the right choice for you. It’s important to understand that the energy market is constantly changing. New tariffs on the market, supplier ratings change, and greener energy sources are always in development. For this reason, it’s essential that you compare energy suppliers regularly. Best Tariffs based on energy price cap Energy price cap to increase in April but consumers should switch to save money Big increase in wholesale energy prices push up price cap by £96 to £1,138 to pre-pandemic levels The price cap continues to save consumers up to £100 a year and they can save up to £150 more by switching tariff Support is available for those struggling to pay their energy bills, especially
those in vulnerable circumstances Ofgem has announced today that from 1 April 2021 the price cap will return to pre-pandemic levels, principally as a result of changes in wholesale energy prices. When wholesale prices fell sharply last year in the wake of the first lockdown, the level of the price cap fell by £84 in October to its lowest level yet for the current winter period. Demand for energy has since recovered which has pushed wholesale prices back up to more normal levels. For six months from 1 April the price cap will increase by £96 to £1,138 for 11 million default tariff customers, and by £87 to £1,156 for 4 million pre-payment meter customers. The price cap protects consumers who have not switched energy supplier by ensuring they pay a fair price for their electricity and gas. Ofgem adjusts the level of the cap up or down twice a year to reflect the costs of supplying electricity and gas for suppliers. Households on default tariffs are saving an estimated £75-£100 a year or £1 billion in total on their energy bills as a result. Consumers who want to avoid the increase and save money should shop around ahead of the increase in the price cap on 1 April. Jonathan Brearley, chief executive of Ofgem, said: “Energy bill increases are never welcome, especially as many households are struggling with the impact of the pandemic. We have carefully scrutinised these changes to ensure that customers only pay a fair price for their energy. “The price cap offers a safety net against poor pricing practices, saving customers up to £100 a year, but if they want to avoid the increase in April they should shop around for a cheaper deal. “As the UK still faces challenges around COVID-19, during this exceptional time I expect suppliers to set their prices competitively, treat all customers fairly and ensure that any household in financial distress is given access to the support they need. “The government and Ofgem have been working with the energy industry and consumer groups to support customers through this difficult time and I urge anyone worried about paying their energy bills to contact their supplier and access the help available.” For the default tariff price cap level starting on 1 April, Ofgem has also allowed suppliers to claim £23 to cover higher levels of bad debt from more customers being unable to pay their energy bills due to the impact of COVID-19. This will ensure suppliers can continue to supply energy and protect their customers, especially those in vulnerable circumstances. Suppliers are required to provide emergency credit to customers struggling to top up their pre-payment meters, put those who are behind on their bills on affordable repayment plans and should not disconnect their customers. Many have gone further in providing support over the last year, for example helping pre-payment meter customers who are shielding to top up. Notes to editors Ofgem rules require suppliers to offer emergency credit to pre-payment meter customers and put customers struggling to pay their energy bills on realistic and sustainable debt repayment plans based on their ability to pay. If customers are struggling to pay for energy bills they should contact their energy supplier as soon as possible. Depending on their circumstances, customers may be eligible for extra help with their energy bills or services, such as payment breaks, suspending credit meter disconnections, and schemes like the Winter Fuel Payment or Warm Home Discount rebate. The Citizens Advice consumer service can provide advice on how customers can resolve problems with their energy provider. For complex or urgent cases, or if a person is in a vulnerable situation they may then be referred onto the Extra Help Unit. For help on how to switch to a better deal, see Ofgem’s guide. Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure business electricity business gas Is your Meter Operator Agreement (MOP contract) in place A Meter Operator agreement or (MOP contract) is a legal requirement for all half hourly electricity supplied meters. This contract covers the supply of the meter, maintenance and the necessary telecommunications for sending your consumption data to your energy supplier. The Meter Operator agreement or (MOP contract) is either; Included into the utility contract – As part of the Utility bill that the customer pays (included into the price of the unit and standing charge). This Included MOP contract only exists for the length of the utility contract. OR Separate MOP contract from the utility bill as a MOP service provider contract – There are multiple MOP providers in area region who compete to provide these services. However they request customers sign up to 18 month, 30 month, etc., waht is called an unneccesary over-run contract, that well exceed the utiltiy contract. This is to benefit the MOP provider because this forces the business owner to sign another 18 month contract later down the line. If the Business customer signs a contract where the MOP is included, they still have to pay for the external MOP provider, they will simply be told not to collect data. The main output of the data being collected is to allow the Electrical grid and providers to identify the usage of the electrical infrastructure and if the Grid can supply and local Transformers can deliver. Over capacity can damage electrical lines, infrastructure, damage transformers, and cause “black-outs”. You do NOT have to be forced to go with a specific MOP service provider, there are multiple companies in each area. Strongly advise that you ask Energy4 to locate all the local MOP providers, and provide a list of each of there services, and there annual costs. The supplier you are with cannot dictate terms of your MOP provider if they are not helping to facilitate the MOP service. Utility providers are currently doing this which is illegal under the Consumer act as it is causing a monolopy of services in areas. Where MOP came from? As part of the UK de-regulated energy market you now have the right to appoint your own meter operator as apposed to letting your current energy supplier appoint there preferred supplier as the cost is often hidden in a suppliers standing charge. The subject of metering is often confusing for customers since privatisation, particularly since the meter operator contract is no longer part of the supply agreement. Many customers are unaware of required legislation such as the statutory requirement that sites with a maximum demand in excess of 100kW should have half-hourly metering installed as standard, and are unsure of who to contact. The process of managing the relationship between the Supplier, Meter Operator and Local Distributor is often a minefield, and is an area where many customers choose to outsource. If you are unsure if you have a MOP agreement in place for your half hourly site please call Energy4 on 01642 888814. A Meter Operator (MOP) contract is essential for businesses with Half Hourly (HH) electricity meters. Here are some key points about MOP contracts: Legal Requirement: If you have a HH meter, you must have a valid MOP contract. This is mandated by Ofgem to ensure proper management and maintenance of the meters. Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/information-consumers/energy-advice-businesses/get-energy-your-business Is your Meter Operator Agreement (MOP contract) in place business electricity business gas In this guide you’ll find information relating to: What is back billing? Back billing scenarios – why does back billing happen? What are Ofgem’s back billing rules? Back billing rules: FAQ Renewed my contract but I think I may be paying higher prices! Energy4 has experience helping Clients when they either select high prices or renew contracts at prices which are typically around 25-30% more than the market rate. Renewal prices are always higher. It is imperative that Business customers seek advice and utility supplier information before proceeding with contracts. This is why our services are so important to helping your business reduce costs where possible. With renewals of existing contracts (verbal or written) there is no ‘cooling off’ period. The contract is binding immediately on your confirmation with your energy supplier. Where Energy4 might be able to help is if your contract has been automatically renewed without your confirmation. Contact Energy4 for more details about how Energy4 can submit a Notice of Termination on your behalf. This will ensure you’re not automatically renewed and to move to a different supplier OfGem has tried to prevent profiteering and mis-selling in the industry. If you have issues with dubious contracts, please call Energy4. Best Tariffs based on energy price cap Energy price cap to increase in April but consumers should switch to save money Big increase in wholesale energy prices push up price cap by £96 to £1,138 to pre-pandemic levels The price cap continues to save consumers up to £100 a year and they can save up to £150 more by switching tariff Support is available for those struggling to pay their energy bills, especially
those in vulnerable circumstances Ofgem has announced today that from 1 April 2021 the price cap will return to pre-pandemic levels, principally as a result of changes in wholesale energy prices. When wholesale prices fell sharply last year in the wake of the first lockdown, the level of the price cap fell by £84 in October to its lowest level yet for the current winter period. Demand for energy has since recovered which has pushed wholesale prices back up to more normal levels. For six months from 1 April the price cap will increase by £96 to £1,138 for 11 million default tariff customers, and by £87 to £1,156 for 4 million pre-payment meter customers. The price cap protects consumers who have not switched energy supplier by ensuring they pay a fair price for their electricity and gas. Ofgem adjusts the level of the cap up or down twice a year to reflect the costs of supplying electricity and gas for suppliers. Households on default tariffs are saving an estimated £75-£100 a year or £1 billion in total on their energy bills as a result. Consumers who want to avoid the increase and save money should shop around ahead of the increase in the price cap on 1 April. Jonathan Brearley, chief executive of Ofgem, said: “Energy bill increases are never welcome, especially as many households are struggling with the impact of the pandemic. We have carefully scrutinised these changes to ensure that customers only pay a fair price for their energy. “The price cap offers a safety net against poor pricing practices, saving customers up to £100 a year, but if they want to avoid the increase in April they should shop around for a cheaper deal. “As the UK still faces challenges around COVID-19, during this exceptional time I expect suppliers to set their prices competitively, treat all customers fairly and ensure that any household in financial distress is given access to the support they need. “The government and Ofgem have been working with the energy industry and consumer groups to support customers through this difficult time and I urge anyone worried about paying their energy bills to contact their supplier and access the help available.” For the default tariff price cap level starting on 1 April, Ofgem has also allowed suppliers to claim £23 to cover higher levels of bad debt from more customers being unable to pay their energy bills due to the impact of COVID-19. This will ensure suppliers can continue to supply energy and protect their customers, especially those in vulnerable circumstances. Suppliers are required to provide emergency credit to customers struggling to top up their pre-payment meters, put those who are behind on their bills on affordable repayment plans and should not disconnect their customers. Many have gone further in providing support over the last year, for example helping pre-payment meter customers who are shielding to top up. Notes to editors Ofgem rules require suppliers to offer emergency credit to pre-payment meter customers and put customers struggling to pay their energy bills on realistic and sustainable debt repayment plans based on their ability to pay. If customers are struggling to pay for energy bills they should contact their energy supplier as soon as possible. Depending on their circumstances, customers may be eligible for extra help with their energy bills or services, such as payment breaks, suspending credit meter disconnections, and schemes like the Winter Fuel Payment or Warm Home Discount rebate. The Citizens Advice consumer service can provide advice on how customers can resolve problems with their energy provider. For complex or urgent cases, or if a person is in a vulnerable situation they may then be referred onto the Extra Help Unit. For help on how to switch to a better deal, see Ofgem’s guide. Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information Renewed my contract but I think I may be paying higher prices! Renewed my contract but I think I may be paying higher prices! Renewed my contract but I think I may be paying higher prices! Renewed my contract but I think I may be paying higher prices! business electricity business gas Selecting a supplier by signature or verbal contract? Energy4 offer a number of suppliers, who will accept contracts signed. We use a well established contract signature process as many suppliers refuse to access verbal systems as a form of agreement for contract. This is because written contracts are still covered under Law, which are legally binding. Furthermore Banks demand that written information be performed on contracts in reference to the addition of Banking information for direct debits. This relates to Insurance and the HM Treasury that protects Banks and Consumers. DO NOT agree anything over the telephone. Large quantity of fraud occurs due to mis-selling contracts, agreeing one thing on the the telephone, and then altering the contract structure of standing charges, and unit values. If a supplier does not provide a contract by email, and demands signature within 10 minutes walk away. True and False Verbal contracts are Costly if criminal activity is involved, and problematic for business. Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information Selecting a supplier by signature or verbal contract? Selecting a supplier by signature or verbal contract? business electricity business gas Smart Meter lies No 2 Can suppliers charge extra charges when customers (shop owners) refuse the new Smart meters and want to keep the original meters? We have been notified that this is £25 per month! “…Whilst we believe all consumers will benefit from having a smart meter, they aren’t compulsory, and you can choose not to have one…” Currently suppliers are outright lying to customers by email, telephone, and foot-in-the-door hard sells. Smart meters are not compulsory. Report any criminality you come across to trading standards and OfGem immediately: Smartmetering@ofgem.gov.uk “…However, suppliers are permitted to offer tariffs at different prices to different meter types, and are permitted to apply entry criteria to a tariff, such as having a smart meter… Currently there is no evidence provided by industry of such special tariffs, which are in fact in contradiction with the Consumer Act. Customers presently on old meters are obtaining the same tariffs as new meters. Savings normally appear if Direct Debits are setup, and using online services to provide meter readings. “…Choosing not to have a smart meter installed may mean you don’t have access to all the available tariffs on the market, some of which could be cheaper…” Currently speculation at present, no documentation has been submitted by industry to concur these comments. Customers presently on old meters are obtaining the same tariffs as new meters. Savings normally appear if Direct Debits are setup, and using online services to provide meter readings. It does not help OfGem or the Selling of Smart Meters if OfGem is blocking the reporting of defects. OfGem response In the UK, you are not legally required to have a smart meter installed. However, if you refuse a smart meter, there might be some implications: Replacement of Faulty Meters: If your existing meter is faulty or at the end of its life, your energy supplier is likely to replace it with a smart meter. Some suppliers may still have traditional meters available, but they might charge you for installing one. https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/get-smart-meter Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information Smart Meter lies No 2 business electricity business gas Smart Meter lies No 3 – What charges can be imposed by the installers, and are charges meant to be taken on by the utility provider, not directly charged to customers? “…For domestic customers, there must be no up-front charge for a smart meter installation. As is currently the case with traditional meters, part of consumers’ bills will be made up of the costs associated with providing and maintaining meters…” “…For non-domestic customers, as for traditional metering, energy suppliers can make their own decisions about how they charge customers for metering services and different suppliers take different approaches. Customers should engage with their supplier to discuss any possible installation charges, and could also consider switching to another supplier, or approaching a third party meter supplier…” By June 2025, every home in the UK will have been offered the chance to get a smart meter. This technological advance will help you to keep track of your energy usage, get more accurate readings, and understand why you pay what you do for energy. These features may save you money, but all good things have their drawbacks – and smart meters are no different. In a 2019 Uswitch survey, 31% of homes reported issues with their smart meter, so you should be prepared for certain problems. And if you’re unsure about smart meters, don’t worry – there’s another way to cut costs. You can save more than £400 each year, just by switching your home’s energy supplier. If you’re looking to cut down your bills, this one’s a bit of a no-brainer. That’s why we’ve partnered with Switchd. With four different price plans (including a free option), Switchd will find you cheaper, greener energy suppliers in no time. Smart displays can stop responding This makes it practically impossible to use your smart meter. In some cases, you’ll be able to use a connected app that can perform the same functions while you get the meter replaced. But either way, it’s not ideal for four out of 10 people to suffer this fault. After all, if your smart device doesn’t work, it’s not very smart. The installation can take hours and leave you with no power This can take hours, during which time you’ll need to go without electricity. It may be a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things, but it’s still a drag that such a small, advanced piece of hardware can turn your plans for a day upside down. The whole machine can stop functioning You’ll need to contact your energy company to let them know, then endure a period of time without a smart meter, and then deal with yet another installation. This’ll mean carving out some time in your day to be home for an installation, and spending yet another couple of hours without electricity, all so you can get back to where you started. The meter may stop being smart after you switch provider And why would you bother getting a smart meter if it’s going to suddenly act like an old-fashioned meter? This is another instance in which you’ll need to go through the rigmarole of getting a new smart meter, with all the kerfuffle that comes with getting installed and having the power off for hours. It won’t save you money or fight climate change by itself You’ll still need to regularly check the meter’s data and adjust your usage accordingly, whether that’s by remembering to turn lights off in rooms you aren’t using, or by having shorter showers. They’re smart, but they’re not going to win a Nobel Prize any time soon. Your machine may not connect to the internet This can lead to readings not being sent, which can lead to confusion over bills for both you and your energy company. Soon, all meters will be connected to a wireless network made specially for them – and if you live in an area with an unreliable mobile network, you may want to wait until then. Smart meters can be confusing and anxiety-producing Some can feel anxiety as they watch the numbers tick up, fall into a panic, and turn off the lights and heating to save money. This is exacerbated by some of the perplexing jargon on smart meters. Most people aren’t familiar with the notion of kilowatt hours, for instance, and though devices will come with instruction manuals, this won’t always help. A better solution may simply be for you to stay aware of your energy usage, and check energy comparison sites to make sure you’re getting the best deal There is no upfront charge to domestic consumers for having a smart meter installed. Energy suppliers are responsible for the costs associated with installing smart meters, which are then spread across all customers as part of the overall energy charges. If you have any specific concerns or questions about your smart meter installation, it’s best to contact your energy supplier directly. They can provide detailed information and address any issues you might have. https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/energy-policy-and-regulation/policy-and-regulatory-programmes/smart-meter-transition-and-data-communications-company-dcc Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information Smart Meter lies No 3 Smart Meter lies No 3 business electricity business gas Smart Meter lies No 4 – The great smart meter revolution has faltered and households can choose, once again, to opt out and keep hold of their old-fashioned utility meters which require manual reading. When they were introduced in 2009, smart meters were supposed to simplify the billing process and ensure readings were up to date and accurate. But the roll-out has been plagued with problems – as explained below. Now, according to research conducted by comparethemarket.com, one in five people do not want one. The Government had originally said that every household would be set up with a smart meter by 2020 – and nearly seven million have been installed so far – but in June the Government subtly downgraded this requirement. Now every home will be “offered” a smart meter by 2020, with no obligation to take one. The controversy around smart meters is more so because it is the Government’s job to set overall energy policy, not the job of suppliers, and the move away from carbon-based energy sources, the national roll-out of smart meters, and the expansion of renewables and nuclear power has cost consequences, with the consumer expected to pick up the tab. Every household will, ultimately, pay for the new meter roll-out via their bills. As energy companies are quick to say, this is one reason why bills are rising. But should you get one? These are six key considerations. It is the Government’s job to set overall energy policy, not the job of suppliers Credit: Yui Mok/PA Wire 1) Smart meters could make it harder to switch gas and electricity providers Early adopters of smart meters got a nasty shock when they later tried to switch energy provider. Some of the “first generation” smart meters fitted in households are currently incompatible with a new national communications network – which is how your usage data is transmitted to the energy provider. Meters not connected to this system “go dumb” when consumers switch suppliers, meaning their new smart meters are no better than the old-fashioned ones. Customers would have to submit readings manually as before – something which can actually be more difficult with a “smart-meter-turned-dumb” than an old-fashioned meter. The Government and Smart Energy GB, the body tasked with promoting the rollout of smart meters, insist the original meters will eventually connect with the network. However, insiders at some of the large energy companies have said they may need to be replaced. (1) 2) Smart meters don’t bring an end to estimated bills (or billing errors) For many homeowners, who believed they would gain even more control over their bills, the introduction of a smart meter has been a disappointment. The majority of energy providers encourage customers to pay via annual payment plans, where their yearly usage is estimated in advance and the cost split into 12 payments. This means that millions of bills still refer to “estimated” use, even where customers have smart meters. It also means that many customers are, as before, have credits on their accounts of hundreds of pounds. Errors with meters also mean that wrong information is being sent and acted upon by suppliers. Angela Forman, who lives in East Sussex, agreed to have a smart meter installed after being told it would remove the need to send monthly meter readings. She had been on an Economy 7 tariff, which takes separate readings in day and night, when energy demand and cost is lower. However when she received her first bill under the smart system it was for £114, much higher than her usual £94. Her meter had a fault and was sending her energy company an estimated reading, actively costing her money. And horror stories have swamped social media of customers being billed tens of thousands of pounds incorrectly. Mark Umpleby tweeted SSE with a photo that said he had used £33,183 of gas in one day – 2,765,175 per cent over budget. Another customer, Usman Hussain, tweeted a picture of his meter saying he would be charged nearly £9,600 for his day’s electricity and gas. (1) 3) Smart meters won’t work if you have a poor signal in your area The successful operation of smart meters can also be a postcode lottery. Live in an area with poor mobile signal? There’s a chance your smart meter won’t work. This was the issue for Mrs Forman. The mobile reception was not good enough, which forced her smart meter to revert to “dumb mode” and send estimated readings. Another reader, Suzanne Harvey, had a smart meter installed in 2014 and was told by the engineer who fitted it that the poor reception might create difficulties. This proved to be the case and she failed to receive a bill for almost a year. Smart Energy GB expects the rollout of the national network to make the meters independent of mobile coverage – effectively fixing this problem. (1) 4) The display units linked to smart meters are crude and difficult to understand Many have complained that the “smart interface” of their meter – the device which sits inside the house and displays data about usage and cost – is difficult to understand. The hope is that mobile apps will be developed which are more user-friendly. Ovo, one of the newer providers and an advocate of smart meters, has an app which shows usage and readings updated by week. It also shows any current balance as well as usage and cost over recent months. Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Further information from Ofgem Smart Meter lies No 4 Smart Meter lies No 4 Smart Meter lies No 4 Smart Meter lies No 4 Smart Meter lies No 4 Smart Meter lies No 4 Smart Meter lies No 4 Smart Meter lies No 4 Smart Meter lies No 5 Energy companies are using high-pressure tactics to push customers into having smart meters in their homes. They schedule dates to fit them without being asked and threaten to take away cheap deals. Suppliers have been ordered by the UK Government to offer smart meters to all households in Britain by 2020 deadline. Or the suppliers will face fines. Customers are not obliged to say ‘yes’ and can refuse to have one installed. But Money Mail has been inundated with letters from readers who feel pressured into having one of the new meters. They are misled into thinking that they are compulsory. Energy companies are using high-pressure tactics of hard selling to push customers into having optional smart meters in their homes They tell us they have been bombarded with calls, texts and letters even after they have refused one. At least one major firm is sending out letters saying they have made a smart meter installation appointment, despite the customer never requesting one. Another says this is something they are trialling. If customers do not want a new meter, they have to call and cancel, or an engineer will just turn up. Verbal contract over the telephone
Energy4 offer a number of suppliers, who will accept contracts signed. We use a well established contract signature process as many suppliers refuse to access verbal systems as a form of agreement for contract. This is because written contracts are still covered under Law, which are legally binding. Furthermore Banks demand that written information be performed on contracts in reference to the addition of Banking information for direct debits. This relates to Insurance and the HM Treasury that protects Banks and Consumers. DO NOT agree anything over the telephone. Large quantity of fraud occurs due to mis-selling contracts, agreeing one thing on the the telephone, and then altering the contract structure of standing charges, and unit values. If a supplier does not provide a contract by email, and demands signature within 10 minutes walk away. True and False Verbal contracts are Costly if criminal activity is involved, and problematic for business. Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information Verbal contract over the telephone business electricity business gas What is a 100kW half hourly supply? Half hourly meters are for those companies that are energy intensive and their average peak for electricity demand is higher than 100kWh over a three month period for the year previous. Two simple ways to check of you are a half hour customer: – Half hourly meters have a communications link to the energy supplier which can be read remotely on a daily basis and the information is then sent back to them – Check your energy bill, if you are on a half hourly meter you will see that your bill begins with double zero “00” Our specialised team can arrange for the cheapest prices from suppliers especially those that cater for the half-hourly meter market What is a 100kW half hourly supply & How half-hourly settlement will help cut energy bills What do a smart meter, an electric car and an in-home battery have in common? They’re all new technologies where we’re working to help people get the most from their electricity usage. This work involves reforming electricity ‘settlement’ – the process for charging suppliers for the difference between how much energy they purchase, and how much their customers actually use. We’re reforming these arrangements across the country while industry is installing smart meters, and more and more people invest in smart home technology. But why is it important, and what will our work achieve? Ofgem’s Head of Settlement Reform Anna Stacey takes a look at some of our behind-the-scenes activity. What is settlement? With smart meters that can record electricity consumption information every half hour of the day and transmit it, industry can use this information for settlement instead. This means that suppliers will have a much more accurate picture of consumption and demand, and can match their purchases accordingly. Why is half-hourly settlement so important? Technology such as energy storage allows households and businesses to shift their energy use, and change their demand for electricity in response to price or other factors. This is part of demand-side response: For example, a battery can recharge when electricity is cheap and plentiful, and then give out the energy when electricity is more expensive. Being able to flex supply and demand will become increasingly important to avoid wasting low carbon generation and to keep the system stable. For households and businesses, half-hourly data means knowing how much electricity they are using. They can choose to use more or less in response to this information if they wish. This may suit them if they want to avoid times of the day when electricity is expensive to generate, when generation is relying on fossil fuels, when many other households or businesses want to use electricity and they do not, or when networks are strained. For the electricity system as a whole, half-hourly settlement will help suppliers, network operators and generators understand when and where energy is being used. They can then target when and where to invest in the energy network, and avoid building expensive extra power stations and putting up more poles and wires than are needed. What changes are taking place now? Suppliers have now changed the meters in businesses and can start to offer time-of-use ‘smart’ tariffs that meet businesses’ needs, rewarding them for moving their electricity consumption away from peak periods. From July 2017, suppliers who want to are able to settle their small business and domestic consumers using their half-hourly data too, following changes to make this easier. This, alongside smart meter rollout, means that households may soon be able to choose a smart tariff contract. The smart meters allow them to see when they are using electricity, and the smart tariffs will allow them to control their bills. What are smart tariffs? What happens next? We will carefully analyse the technicalities of changing the current system and complete a thorough cost-benefit analysis to inform the case for bringing in half-hourly settlement for everyone. We will monitor the impacts of P272 for businesses, and for those suppliers and consumers who choose half-hourly settlement now. In summary we are investigating what we need to do to make sure consumers and the system benefit from making settlement smart Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 & 01642 888816 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information business electricity business gas What is a 100kW half hourly supply? Smart meters use wireless signals to communicate with your supplier, which means you don’t have to ring in meter readings or use the internet “…Officials claim they will help you to save money, as you’ll be more aware of how much energy different appliances use — and reduce your consumption…” “…These digital meters will also ensure you are only billed for the power you’ve used, putting an end to estimated bills. Most big energy companies are writing to customers to offer them one of the new smart meters. However, some are only offering them in certain areas of the country and many smaller firms are not yet fitting them, so you may have to wait. As many as one in three households is also being told they can’t have a meter because it won’t work in their property — for example, if the walls are too thick, or they live in a rural area with poor mobile phone signal…” What is FIT? – Feed-In Tariffs were introduced on 1 April 2010 and replaced UK government grants as the main financial incentive to encourage uptake of renewable electricity-generating technologies. Most domestic technologies qualify for the scheme, including: The Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) scheme is a government programme designed to promote the uptake of renewable and low-carbon electricity generation technologies. Introduced on 1 April 2010, the scheme requires participating licensed electricity suppliers to make payments on both generation and export from eligible installations. Closure of the Feed-In Tariffsscheme Who’s the scheme for? Solar photovoltaic (solar PV) Feed-In Tariffs payments are made by your energy supplier from the date you become eligible for the scheme. The number of new installations that can receive support under the Feed-In Tariffs scheme each month is capped – we call these deployment caps. Applications queue for entry into the Feed-In Tariffs scheme: For small installations, by the date and time the installation’s MCS certificate was issued. There are a number of key players on the Feed-In Tariffs scheme. Generators Licensees Under Ofgem’s safety net, the energy supply of customers of a licensee which has had its licence revoked continues as normal. The process is different for Feed-in Tariff (FIT) customers whose payments were made by the licensee whose licence has been revoked. Our guidance gives direction on what happens in this situation for Feed-In Tariffs generators. Feed-In Tariffs generators have a responsibility to select a new Feed-In Tariffs Licensee and agree Feed-In Tariffs terms with them in order to continue receiving Feed-In Tariffs payments. When a Feed-In Tariffs generator approaches a new licensee, they will be required to provide all the information they have regarding their installation. This will include name, address, Feed-In Tariffs ID, whether the installation is MCS or ROO-FIT, the MCS or ROO-FIT number, technology type and capacity as well as billing information and the date of the meter reading when the last Feed-In Tariffs payments were made. We are responsible for administering some aspects of the Feed-In Tariffs scheme: Running the Central Feed-In Tariffs Register – the database of all accredited installations. Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information business electricity business gas kVA stands for kilo volt-ampere, this is used to refer to the measure of power in a transformer. It is as a result of the product of voltage and power. The kilo Volt Amps is mainly used for the purpose of showing the output capacity in a generator. It stands for Kilo Volt Amperes and one KVA equals 1,000 Watts of power. Many businesses misjudge the kVA capacity they require by trying to link their maximum power requirement (kVA) to their total annual energy usage (kWh) Generator Rating The capacity of a synchronous generator is equal to the product of the voltage per phase, the current per phase, and the number of phases. It is normally stated in megavolt-amperes (MVA) for large generators or kilovolt-amperes (kVA) for small generators. Both the voltage and the current are the effective, or rms, values (equal to the peak value divided by Square root of√2). The voltage rating of the generator is normally stated as the operating voltage between two of its three terminals—i.e., the phase-to-phase voltage. For a winding connected in delta, this is equal to the phase-winding voltage. For a winding connected in wye, it is equal to Square root of√3 times the phase-winding voltage. The capacity rating of the machine differs from its shaft power because of two factors—namely, the power factor and the efficiency. The power factor is the ratio of the real power delivered to the electrical load divided by the total voltage–current product for all phases. The efficiency is the ratio of the electrical power output to the mechanical power input. The difference between these two power values is the power loss consisting of losses in the magnetic iron due to the changing flux, losses in the resistance of the stator and rotor conductors, and losses from the windage and bearing friction. In large synchronous generators, these losses are generally less than 5 percent of the capacity rating. These losses must be removed from the generator by a cooling system to maintain the temperature within the limit imposed by the insulation of the windings. Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information What is kVA What is kVA What is kVA What is kVA What is kVA What is kVA What is kVA The RO came into effect in 2002 in England and Wales, and Scotland, followed by Northern Ireland in 2005. It places an obligation on UK electricity suppliers to source an increasing proportion of the electricity they supply from renewable sources. About The RO The RO came into effect in 2002 in England and Wales, and Scotland, followed by Northern Ireland in 2005. It places an obligation on UK electricity suppliers to source an increasing proportion of the electricity they supply from renewable sources. The RO closed to all new generating capacity on 31 March 2017. There are also a number of early closures which are in force for specific technologies. Generators who are eligible to apply for a grace period can gain entry to the RO after these closures for a specified amount of time. More information on the 2017 closure and early closures is on the RO closure page. Renewables Obligation Certificates (ROCs) Where suppliers do not present a sufficient number of ROCs to meet their obligation in the reporting period (one year), they must pay an equivalent amount into a buy-out fund. The administration cost of the scheme is recovered from the fund and the rest is distributed back to suppliers in proportion to the number of ROCs they produced in meeting their individual obligation. For more information on ROCs, see Applying for the RO. Annual obligation levels Ofgem’s role We assess and, where appropriate, accredit RO applications that have been made to us. Assessments are made based on the evidence submitted with the application and the circumstances specific to the generating station. Applicants must meet the eligibility criteria to be granted accreditation under the RO. It is not our role to interpret legislation on your behalf; we encourage you to seek legal and technical advice to help understand how the legislation applies to you. We are unable to comment on future policy amendments or on speculative applications and scenarios. Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information business electricity business gas What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust What rates can I expect to be available to me? Most of the energy suppliers require a minimum credit rating for your business therefore, with a good credit score you have the best chance of getting the best prices. Some of the other variables that determine the eligibility for cheaper energy prices include: Type of business are sole trader, limited company etc, what sector, such as manufacturing, retail etc. Energy supplier confirms I am on the best tariff for my usage! how can I be sure DO NOT take tariff information from only one supplier, It may the best tariff that your current supplier can offer, but not necessarily the best on the market to meet your needs Never discuss your tariff with only one supplier. Energy4 on your behalf, can check ALL suppliers for the best deals The truth is that many suppliers have provide incorrect information to customers, this can be found via Ofgem Energy4 provides a quote, helpful, independent service to check your supplies, providing expert help you can trust Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What rates can I expect to be available to me? What type of contract do I have and when does it expire? If you are unsure of your contract status, you can find out from your supplier by asking them to check your end date. Or you could instruct us to do so on your behalf with a single LETTER OF AUTHORITY (LOA). Types of contract It’s important to understand your type of contract so you can check you are getting the best deal for your business usage. If you are a microbusiness, certain rules apply which affect how you are billed too. Deemed and out-of-contract Deemed and out-of-contact contracts are usually among a supplier’s most expensive. It’s best to shop around and agree on a contract as soon as you take on premises or near an end-date to avoid paying more. Fixed Variable Rollover How business energy contracts differ There’s not normally a cooling-off period You don’t need to sign an energy contract for it to be binding They are usually single-fuel Broker costs Deemed energy contracts Rollover energy contracts If you are a microbusiness the rollover contract can’t last more than 12 months. Microbusiness energy contract notice periods and switching Qualifying as a microbusiness Half-hourly energy readings (‘P272’ and ‘P322’ codes) Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information Click here to contact Energy4 today Contact Energy4 today for further information What type of contract do I have and when does it expire? What type of contract do I have and when does it expire? What type of contract do I have and when does it expire? The cheapest business electricity provider can vary based on your business size, energy usage, and location. Here are a few providers known for offering competitive rates: Energy4 will help recommend utility suppliers for their transparent pricing and green energy options. They are particularly good for seasonal businesses. Finding the cheapest business electricity provider can depend on several factors, including your location, energy usage, and the type of contract you prefer. Here are some of the top providers in the UK known for offering competitive rates: Energy4 is known for finding green energy options and competitive pricing, Octopus Energy is often recommended for small businesses. Who is the cheapest business electricity provider Who is the cheapest business electricity provider Utility saving ideas Unplug Devices: Many devices consume power even when turned off. Unplugging them or using a power strip can help reduce this “phantom” energy use. Contact Energy4 today for further information Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Why is it best to choose our services rather than doing it myself? Contact Energy4 today for further information Location: 25 Hartley Meadow, Whitchurch, Hampshire, RG28 7BW Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat To discuss further, please contact Energy4 Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 & 01642 888816 Email: contact@energy4.co.uk Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you Click here to contact Energy4 today Why is it best to choose our services rather than doing it myself? business gas business electricity
those in vulnerable circumstances
This initiative has zero value in helping the public and business. It simply allows utilities to identify the usage driving past the property or site, then turn off the meter off-site.
“Ofgem and government have discussed the benefits” – Incorrect. Ofgem identified poor outsourcing of parts, defective meters, and screen problems.
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Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814
Email: contact@energy4.co.uk
– The current name of your supplier
– Annual Consumption (kW)
– Business registration (Private Limited, Sole-trader, PLC, etc.,)
However, we believe that improvements must start now. Ofgem is therefore proposing to tighten up the current rules to secure a reliable three-week switch (after any cooling off arrangements)1 while reforms are being developed.
Government has recently asked the industry to see what changes could be made in the short term to speed up the switching process. We welcome the focus that government is bringing to this area. We will provide support to industry’s response and are challenging them to deliver as soon as possible.
New rules brought in across Europe, require that a switch should take three weeks at most (after any cooling off period that the consumer may have). Our figures show that only eight out of ten domestic switches in Great Britain hit this target in electricity and that this drops to less than two in ten for the gas market.
Changes to the systems that support gas switching, approved by Ofgem and implemented last month, should enable a significant improvement to performance in gas. However, it is clear that greater focus is needed by suppliers if the target is to be met for all switches. We will continue to monitor how suppliers perform against this standard.
have been in place since competition started in the late 90’s and need to be updated to take advantage of new technology and the roll out of smart meters.
This review has also informed the more ambitious proposals, that we will consult on next year, to deliver reliable and fast, eg next day, transfers. We have now published a detailed summary
of our review.
Overall, domestic consumers said that they were most concerned about the earlier stages of the switching process, such as choosing the best deal for them. When asked to
think about the change of supplier process, consumers said they wanted a reliable and accurate transfer and for it to be as efficient and streamlined as possible.
For some business consumers, a faster switch was felt to have benefits. However, their primary concern was for the transfer to be reliable. A number of businesses raised concerns about the objections process – where a supplier can block the switch in certain circumstances.
week switch for consumers while industry drives forward work to make switching faster.
We are now:
• Consulting on tougher rules, to be implemented as soon as possible next year, that would require suppliers to switch all consumers within three weeks (after any cooling off period)
• Consulting on tougher rules to make sure companies transfer the right consumer or face penalties if they do not
• Looking to put certain practices under the microscope by stepping up our monitoring, including supplier behaviour in blocking a switch in certain circumstances.
It is vital that consumers can have confidence in the transfer process and we want industry to communicate clearly what should happen when a consumer decides to switch. Energy
UK, the trade association that includes the large domestic energy suppliers, shares our ambition to introduce a switching guarantee for consumers and will consider this in line with
the improvements that suppliers are currently developing to achieve faster switching. Energy UK has also agreed to review its current billing code of practice to ensure that it meets
consumers’ needs when they switch supplier.
Suppliers need to go further to rebuild consumers’ trust by introducing changes that improve both the reliability and speed of the transfer process.
In response to the government’s push for faster switching, suppliers are assessing the output of our review of the switching process to identify changes that allow consumers
to switch more quickly than today. We are working with industry on this initiative to ensure that it delivers the right outcome for consumers. We are challenging the industry to
deliver a faster switching process as quickly as possible.
These changes, in particular introducing a new central switching service that brings together the existing services in gas and electricity, could improve the reliability and efficiency of the transfer process for consumers and bring down costs.
This could also streamline the process for dual fuel consumers. To support our analysis, we have asked industry for information on how much it will cost to make these changes and
what the wider benefits would be. We will consult on these reforms, with a full impact assessment of the costs and benefits, in March 2014. We will then introduce any changes as early as possible.
Energy suppliers and network operators must have a complaints process. They must also reply to complaints and come to a decision within 8 weeks.
Citizens Advice has template complaints letters you can use. They can also help with a complaint. Sometimes their powers mean they can act for you.
For textphone, dial 18001 followed by the helpline number.
Take it further
Complain to the Energy Ombudsman if eight weeks have passed and you still aren’t happy with the company’s response.
Network operator and Ofgem Confidence Code comparison site complaints: Email Ofgem or call 020 7901 7295.
The 6 largest suppliers have signed up to an agreement to make sure you won’t be disconnected at any time of year if you have:
These suppliers are British Gas, EDF Energy, npower, E.on, Scottish Power and SSE.
Other suppliers should also take your situation into account, but they’re not obliged to.
If you’ve been threatened with being disconnected but think you shouldn’t be, contact your supplier and let them know. They should visit your home to check on your situation before they do anything. You can make a complaint if they decide to go ahead and disconnect you.
The disconnection process
If you don’t come to an agreement with your supplier to pay off your debt, they can apply to a court for a warrant to enter your home to disconnect your supply. Your supplier must send a notice telling you they’re applying to the court.
Before the hearing takes place, contact your supplier and try and come to an agreement to pay off your debt.
If you haven’t contacted your supplier, there’ll be a court hearing which you should attend. You can still come to an arrangement with your supplier to pay off your debt at this stage. You can take along a friend for support.
If the court grants a warrant, your supplier will be able to disconnect your supply. They must give you 7 days notice in writing before they do. In practice, it’s rare for suppliers to disconnect customers. They’re more likely to fit a prepayment meter in your home.
Your supplier won’t need a warrant to disconnect a meter on the outside of your property (as the warrant is to enter your property), but most suppliers will still get one.
If you have a ‘smart meter’
If you have a smart meter in your home, your supplier could potentially disconnect your supply remotely without needing to access to your meter. However, before they do this, they must have:
contacted you to discuss options for repaying your debt, eg through a repayment plan
visited your home to assess your personal situation and whether this would affect you being disconnected, eg if you’re disabled or elderly
If they don’t do this and they try and disconnect you, make a complaint to your supplier.
Getting reconnected
If your supply has been disconnected, contact your supplier to arrange reconnection.
You will need to arrange to pay your debt, the reconnection fee and administrative costs. The amount you’ll be charged depends on your supplier, but it must be reasonable. If you think the charges are too high, get advice from the Citizens Advice consumer helpline.
You may have to pay your supplier a security deposit as a condition of giving you a supply. You can’t be asked for a security deposit if you have a prepayment meter installed.
If you’ve paid all the charges your supplier must reconnect you within 24 hours – or within 24 hours of the start of the next working day if you make payment out of working hours.
If you can’t pay all the charges at once, you can ask your supplier if they’re willing to agree a repayment plan with you. If they do agree then they should reconnect you within 24 hours.
If the supplier doesn’t reconnect you within 24 hours they have to pay you £30 compensation. They must do this within 10 working days. They’ll usually credit your account, but you can ask them to pay you by cheque or bank transfer. If they don’t pay on time they have to pay you an extra £30 for the delay.
If you’re disconnected because your utility supply is interrupted, you might be able to claim compensation.
Utility supply disconnection and prepayment meter rules
At one time or another many people experience difficulties paying their bills. If you get into debt with your gas or electricity supplier it’s very important to tackle the problem.
If you let your utility bills build up, there is a risk of eventually being disconnected – which means having your utility cut off – by your supplier. Here we explain the rules, what should happen if you are disconnected and the help available to you to get reconnected.
Debt and prepayment meters
If you don’t engage with your supplier on a debt and 28 days pass, they can contact you about the possibility of disconnecting your utility supply.
Your supplier must give you the chance to repay the money you owe through a payment plan before they disconnect you. The plan must factor in your financial circumstances and ability to pay. Debts can be repaid over a number of months as you also continue to pay for your ongoing utility use.
It’s rare that customers are disconnected. Usually your supplier will ask to fit a prepayment meter, also referred to as a ‘key card’ or ‘token’ meter, in your home. They work in a similar way to a pay-as-you-go phone. You don’t have to have one if you don’t want one. Ask your supplier about your options. Find out more in Understand your utility meter.
If you don’t engage with your supplier to agree how to resolve the debt, or fail to stick to an agreed payment plan, they can also install a prepayment meter under a warrant to recover the money you owe. They can only do this as a last resort and must send you a notice telling you they’re applying to the court.
Who can’t be disconnected?
If you are threatened with disconnection there are strict rules on who can or can’t be disconnected.
If you’re eligible for the Priority Services Register
Suppliers are prohibited from disconnecting a premises occupied by a customer eligible for the Priority Services Register during the winter months (1 October – 31 March). You’re eligible for the Priority Services Register if you:
are of pensionable age
are disabled or chronically sick
have a long-term medical condition
have a hearing or visual impairment or additional communication needs
are in a vulnerable situation.
If you’re a ‘Safety Net’ vulnerable consumer
Many suppliers have also signed up to a Safety Net, a pledge to never knowingly disconnect a vulnerable customer at any time of year.
This offers further protection for vulnerable customers. In this instance, vulnerable customers may be customers who are unable to safeguard their personal welfare or the personal welfare of other members of the household due to:
age (such as younger people at home)
severe financial insecurity.
If you’re bankrupt or you owe debts to a former utility supplier
You cannot be disconnected if:
your debt is owed to a previous supplier
you have been made bankrupt and the debt relates to a period before you went bankrupt
the debt is not for the gas or electricity you have used but for some other service or appliance you have bought from your supplier.
If you think you shouldn’t be disconnected, contact your supplier and tell them. If you aren’t happy with their response, follow their complaints process and make a complaint.
Get help to repay a debt and avoid disconnection
Specific help is available if you have either been threatened with disconnection or who have actually been disconnected:
Further support can also be found in our section on Who to contact if it’s difficult paying utility bills.
Fuel Direct
It may be also possible to repay an utility debt through a scheme called Fuel Direct. You are eligible for this scheme if you get:
income support
job seeker’s allowance
pension credits
employment and support allowance.
Through Fuel Direct, a fixed sum will be automatically deducted every week from your benefits and paid directly to your utility supplier. This will cover your current fuel use and also pay off a certain amount of your debt.
Find out more on GOV.UK: Help paying bills using your benefits (opens another website)
To get reconnected after a disconnection, contact your supplier. There may be costs and charges involved. Your supplier will explain them.
If you experience temporary disconnection because of a power cut, Dial 105, You might be able to claim compensation from your network operator under the Guaranteed Standards.
See Power cuts: Help and compensation under the Guaranteed Standards.
Consumer protections
Ofgem is working to deliver changes to protect consumers from experiencing more debt or hardship due to prepayment meter warrant installations. Under current rules, suppliers can charge warrant costs back to you. The charges, which can include court costs, can range between £200 to £900. We’re consulting on plans to place a firm cap at £100 or £150 on warrant charges for all customers.
We’re also proposing to ban warrant charges altogether, and in some cases installations, for the most vulnerable customers. This includes people in financial hardship, and people with physical and mental health issues and learning difficulties.
Remember, if you are threatened with disconnection it is important to act quickly and try and reach a financial arrangement that is acceptable to both you and your supplier.
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Can my utility supplier cut me off
Can my utility supplier cut me off
Can my utility supplier cut me off
Can my utility supplier cut me off
Can my utility supplier cut me off
Can my utility supplier cut me off
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Additional benefits are available for community organisations and education providers on the FIT scheme. These are for generators who have applied through pre-registration and status verification.
An additional six months to the ROO-FIT preliminary accreditation validity period for solar PV and non-PV installations owned by community organisations, for applications made between 1 April and 1 October 2015 and from 8 February 2016.
Two installations can share a single grid connection providing that at least one is owned by a community organisation. This is only applicable from 1 April 2015.
For applications made before 1 October 2015, a ‘tariff guarantee’ was also available for community organisations planning to commission non-domestic solar PV installations that will not exceed 50kW DNC.
The energy price cap is backstop protection from the government, calculated by Ofgem.
You can call your supplier to check if you are on their default tariff. If you’re not on one, you’re probably already paying a better rate for your energy. But it’s still worth checking if you could save more by switching.
If you get a back bill
Contact your supplier if you get a bill for energy usage that’s for more than a year ago. Explain that you understand you are protected by the back-billing rules. You should only be charged for up to your last 12 months’ energy use if you haven’t had an accurate bill in over a year.
To help, use this Citizens Advice back billing example letter. Make a complaint if your supplier continues to ask for the full amount.
If you haven’t had an energy bill in over a year
To help your supplier send you accurate bills, try to:
If you can’t pay a back bill
If you think you can’t afford to pay, ask your supplier about repayment plan options. They must take into account how much you can afford. They will explain your options.
Citizens Advice can also help if you can’t agree on a payment plan or if you’re not happy with the options the supplier has given to you.
Call OfGem 0808 223 1133 or use their online webchat.
For OfGem textphone, dial 18001 followed by the helpline number.
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Ofgem, the UK’s energy regulator, provides various guidelines and information to help consumers understand their energy costs. For example, they offer details on the energy price cap, which limits the maximum amount suppliers can charge for standard variable tariffs. As of October 1, 2024, the energy price cap is set at £1,717 per year for a typical household.
If you need a specific quote for connecting your home or business to the energy supply, Ofgem advises contacting your local network operator. The cost will depend on factors like the amount of work required, your location, and your energy needs.
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Ofgem, the UK’s energy regulator, works closely with energy suppliers to ensure fair practices and protect consumers. Here are some key ways Ofgem operates with suppliers:
Licensing: All energy suppliers in Great Britain must obtain a license from Ofgem. This ensures they meet specific standards and regulations.
Monitoring and Compliance: Ofgem monitors suppliers to ensure they comply with their license conditions, including financial sustainability
and the treatment of vulnerable customers.
Price Cap: Ofgem sets a price cap on standard variable tariffs to protect consumers from excessive charges.
Switching and Competition: Ofgem encourages competition among suppliers by making it easier for consumers to switch suppliers and find better
Consumer Protection: Ofgem provides guidelines and support to help consumers understand their rights and resolve disputes with suppliers
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Energy4 will NOT at no point is your energy supply interrupted. We do not abandon you after the switch; we will keep in touch and also remind you before your contract is due to end so you have the options to look at prices again before signing up another contract term
Information you need
It’s useful to have the following information:
Your postcode.
The name of your current supplier.
The name of your current energy tariff.
Your annual energy usage or costs.
You can find your tariff, supplier and annual information on a recent energy bill. Log into your online account if you don’t get paper bills.
If you aren’t sure about your current supply details, see Finding your energy supplier or network operator.
Find tariffs and suppliers
Use a comparison website or phone different energy suppliers to find out what you can save by switching.
You can ask your supplier if they will match an offer if you find one that’s
better elsewhere.
Ofgem confidence code
Weigh up your options
Think about things like:
A supplier’s customer service.
If the offer is the cheapest, environmentally-friendly or flexible to leave without an exit fee.
If you can get cashback or other free incentives as part of your switch offer.
If there is a switching guarantee. Some suppliers offer this to help you switch with confidence.
Choosing tariffs
Learn about different energy tariffs
See how suppliers compare on customer service
View suppliers offering an Energy Switch Guarantee
Confirm your switch
The last step is to confirm your contract and payment method. Paying by Direct Debit usually saves money.
Your new supplier will contact you with a switching date. It can take up to 21 days to complete a switch. In most cases, it’s around 17 days.
If you change your mind, You have 14 days to cancel from when you agree to a contract.
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Responsibilities: The MOP is responsible for installing, maintaining, and upgrading electricity meters. They also conduct health and safety inspections every two years.
Costs: MOP contracts typically last for five years and can cost between £220 and £500 per year, depending on the type of HH supply.
Data Collection: MOP contracts often include Data Collection (DC) and Data Aggregation (DA) services, which involve collecting and transmitting your energy usage data to your supplier.
Supplier Appointment: If you don’t select a MOP, your electricity supplier will appoint one on your behalf, which might not always be in your best interest.
This is a bold vision, and its achievability depends on many factors. Here, we focus on some of the potential barriers to such integration from an energy lawyer’s perspective.
Platform electrification
By far the most prominent technological focus of the proposed changes to the Strategy is on carbon capture and storage (CCS) – no doubt, in part, because it has been identified as a key and as yet under-developed element of decarbonisation of the wider economy in which upstream assets have a central role to play as CO2 stores. CCS also features more prominently in the Final Report. However, the Strategy consultation document mentions platform electrification as many times as CCS as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as far as reasonable by considering all applicable options for existing and new developments. Moreover, the Final Report contains a detailed Annex on “offshore electrification”, as well as one on CCS, which between them give the clearest insight yet into the OGA’s vision for integrating high and low carbon industries in the UKCS.
As both the OGUK report and the Final Report note, upstream platforms are huge consumers of energy, nearly all of which is currently produced through the burning of fossil fuels. Most UK platforms are powered by on-site gas turbines which, on average, consume 5% of all gas produced at the well-head. Globally, combustion-related carbon emissions from platforms have been estimated at around 200 million tonnes of CO2 per year, roughly equivalent to the total emissions of Vietnam.1 In a mature basin such as the North Sea, which is likely to be relying for an increasing proportion of its output on secondary and tertiary, rather than primary recovery, the industry’s power requirements for extraction are likely to grow.
Reducing the reliance on gas turbines by adding or substituting renewable sources of electricity, therefore, has clear environmental benefits, but there can be economic advantages too. Less gas used to power generators means more gas that can be sold to market or re-injected into wells to maximise oil recovery. Removing the need for on-platform power generators results in space saved on rigs, and could lead to lower capital expenditure to offset the power connection cost.2 For this reason, platform electrification is a more attractive economic option for greenfield sites compared to brownfield sites, which will require higher costs to retrofit. Moreover, there are health and safety benefits for those working offshore, with reduced noise, vibrations and fumes.
Carbon pricing – or the potential for it to apply more extensively in the upstream sector – may be another consideration that favours electrification. No or fewer CO2 emissions from offshore generators would mean reducing or eliminating their potential costs of emitting carbon.
At present, unlike fossil-fuel power generators onshore, the upstream industry benefits from “free allocation” of allowances under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). In the UKCS, the gas they use to generate power is not subject to the “carbon price support” rate of the UK’s climate change levy (CCL). Upstream power generation activities have, therefore, not been subject to a carbon price.
However, the EU ETS “carbon leakage list” (CLL) that determines which sectors receive free allocation of allowances is about to become less generous: when EU ETS Phase 4 begins in 2021, it will still cover emissions produced by the extraction of oil, but not those produced by the extraction of gas. Although the UK is no longer in the EU and its plans for carbon pricing after 2020 when the Brexit transition period ends are not finally fixed, the government has indicated its preference for a UK ETS that would follow the same approach as the EU ETS Phase 4 CLL. This could change. However, over time, further extension of UK carbon pricing to upstream generation (e.g. through the carbon price support rate of CCL) is also possible.
It is not surprising, therefore, that the Final Report highlights future carbon pricing policy as a key determinant of the economic feasibility of electrification projects. This is particularly true of what the Final Report calls “brownfield” projects – those that would replace existing offshore fossil-fuelled generation with new sources (onshore or offshore) of renewable power.
Shore-to-platform electrification
Platform electrification is not a new idea. Norway’s Troll A gas platform has been electrified since it came onstream in 1996, with power from an onshore generation plant reaching the platform via an undersea cable. Such “shore-to-platform” arrangements are currently the most common form of electrification in the North Sea. Benefiting from the overwhelmingly renewable mix of Norwegian power generation (dominated by hydroelectricity), the Johan Sverdrup field in Norway emits just 0.67kg of CO2 per barrel of oil produced, around 4% of the world average.3 The Netherlands also utilises shore-to-platform electricity on one of its rigs. The benefits of being connected to the onshore electricity grid include high security of supply and reliability.
In the UKCS, shore-to-platform electrification is currently being considered in the West of Shetland (WoS) area. Shetland Council and the Oil and Gas Technology Centre (OGTC) are working together to create a new Energy Hub on the islands, which will examine how electrification can help the area’s offshore assets reach Net Zero by 2030. On 30 July 2020, Ofgem confirmed that it was satisfied that a final decision had been taken on the proposed 440MW Viking wind farm on Shetland,4 thereby unlocking Ofgem’s conditional approval for the planned Shetland to Mainland High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Interconnector, and making it more likely that some of the renewable electricity produced by wind farms on Shetland could in future be made available to offshore platforms. Several upstream players all have assets in the region that could potentially benefit.5
For the majority of UKCS platforms, however, shore-to-platform technologies are unlikely to be a viable option – at least as far as power from UK onshore generators is concerned. The cost-benefit estimates in the relevant Annex to the Final Report show onshore electrification opex costs for electrification from the UK shore that are almost double those for offshore electrification or supply from Norway. Away from Shetland, it is less common to find the same potential for using new UK onshore renewable generating capacity to supply relatively closely located upstream assets that are also new, or at any rate have a long operational life ahead of them.
Diverting the output of existing grid-connected renewable generating capacity to offshore platforms is more likely to reduce green energy available for end users onshore, and thus reduce the net benefit in terms of reducing carbon emissions. An upstream player that wished to demonstrate strongly its support for net zero objectives might prefer to take any shore-to-platform supply of green power specifically from new renewable generating capacity, so as to be able to satisfy the criterion of “additionality” that is central to many renewable corporate power purchase agreements (i.e. that without the corporate customer’s long-term commitment to purchase the generator’s output, the generator’s project would not have been built). This reinforces the need to control project costs by finding sources of onshore generation that are closely located to upstream assets whose residual life is well matched to those of the generator’s if this model of integration is to succeed.
The Final Report also contemplates the possibility that connections to new power interconnectors, such as the North Sea Network link between the UK and Norway, could bring power to platforms further from shore than current shore-to-platform technologies allow. One drawback of connecting to HVDC cables may be the likely need to install a DC-AC converter on the platform, with the accompanying costs and loss of space that this will bring.
However, considerations of practicality and commercial feasibility are not the only potential barriers to shore-to-platform approaches to electrification. There are also potential regulatory obstacles – or at least gaps. For example, at present, the development of the offshore wind industry has given rise to a regime where licences for offshore-to-shore transmission links are issued on a competitive basis through the offshore transmission operator (OFTO) tender process, with the winning bidder assuming ownership of transmission assets that have invariably been constructed by the wind farm developer, but which are not permitted to be permanently operated by a generator because of electricity sector “unbundling” rules. If it was thought appropriate to apply a similar model to shore-to-platform links, the existing regulatory framework would need to be adapted, because it is based on a statutory concept of “offshore transmission” that appears only to include the offshore transmission of electricity generated offshore, not onshore generated electricity going offshore.6
The regulatory changes that would be required to facilitate any use of interconnectors in platform electrification would be likely to be significant still. Interconnectors are currently treated as connections between the transmission systems of different countries, rather than being able to convey power directly to end users, and the UK’s existing interconnectors all currently connect to the onshore part of the grid. However, an open letter published by Ofgem on 12 August 2020 indicates that it is maybe prepared to think again about other models, including “multi-purpose interconnectors”, that “could link interconnectors with offshore renewable generation, and might form part of a potential North Seas grid”.
That said, one potentially substantial advantage of shore-to-platform electrification for any upstream players not constrained by concerns for “additionality” would be that it should in one way or another allow them to be supplied with “100% renewable” power that is also always available (subject to any problems with the transmission cables). This is because being connected to the onshore grid means being connected to the output of a huge number of generators, and a large number of suppliers offering, in various forms, packages of electricity that can all be counted in one way or another as green, rather than perhaps one or two sources of intermittent offshore renewable electricity as might be the case with an offshore electrification option (see further below).
Electrification through offshore wind
While shore-to platform electrification could be viable for some UKCS platforms, the use of offshore wind is starting to look as if it may be a more attractive option for a majority of installations. The possibility of integrating offshore wind turbines into the power supply of offshore platforms has been considered in several contexts, at least as a method to supplement generation from existing gas generators.
In respect of platforms which are further offshore or otherwise isolated from existing grid infrastructure, electrification through offshore wind installations has the potential advantage of not requiring installation of long subsea cables to ensure connection to the onshore grid. There are already a number of areas where existing or planned offshore wind farms are located close to upstream assets, and the scope for co-location appears set to increase as interest in floating offshore wind technology grows – with the offshore wind sector in many respects following the same journey from fixed to floating platforms that the oil and gas industry went through in past decades. For example, notwithstanding the work on possible shore-to-platform links in the WoS area noted above, it may also be that WoS, with its relatively deep water and early stage of development as an oil and gas area, is well suited to the deployment of floating offshore wind.
The problem, of course, is that at present a connection to an offshore wind farm is not a complete substitute for on-platform generation in the way that a shore-to-platform supply could be, because offshore wind turbines generate intermittently and their output cannot be adjusted up and down in the way that a gas turbine can. In other words, you would probably need both technologies in order to ensure security of supply, and the intermittent nature of wind and the different stages of oil field exploitation give rise to significant variability of operating conditions. This presents challenges when identifying the optimal size and operating parameters of the parallel renewable and fossil-fuel generating capacity that would be required for a given platform (particularly in a “greenfield” scenario).
From a “maximum low carbon” point of view, it may be that the need for fossil-fuelled generation could be reduced or eliminated by connecting more wind generating capacity than is required at any one time and storing excess energy in batteries or in the form of hydrogen (produced by using the excess electricity to electrolyse water), which could then be used to supply or generate electricity when the wind turbines are not generating enough, or at all.
However, it is not in any sense clear whether, or how soon, such options are likely to be feasible in this context (a combination of gas and wind power may be likely to be a materially cheaper option for some time). Although pollution reduction and sustainability considerations are key drivers for platform electrification, the primary objective for a platform operator remains the continuous and safe production of hydrocarbons with minimum risk of plant failure. Offering high reliability, compactness and dynamic flexibility, gas turbines remain the leading offshore electrification technology: it seems that, for the foreseeable future, offshore wind is more likely to complement than to replace them.
On the NCS, Hywind Tampen is being developed by Equinor and its project partners on Snørre and Gullfaks. Located some 140 kilometres offshore (260-300 metre water-depth), the 11 floating offshore wind turbines, with a combined capacity of 88MW, will supplement existing gas turbine facilities on the Snørre and Gullfaks platforms with an estimated CO2 emission reduction of 200k tons/year.
While managing various (and often competing) stakeholder priorities, developers of similar projects will need to consider the apportionment of interests and associated rights and responsibilities within the project documents. For instance, the project documents will need to account for the dynamic interplay between the operator of the offshore platform and the operator of the offshore wind farm. Subject to applicable regulatory developments (including carbon pricing), the contractual framework may seek to prescribe the circumstances in which the platform operator has flexibility to take gas (including, for example, asset integrity or economic reasons).
For the offshore wind side of such arrangements, it is possible to envisage a number of different possible ownership and contractual structures.
The OGA in its Final Report also raises a number of relevant regulatory questions.
We will shortly be publishing more on the prospects for floating offshore wind in general, addressing in more detail some of the commercial and regulatory challenges it faces to scale up, regardless of how useful it may be in the near term as a solution for platform electrification.
Additional offshore generation technologies which could support platform electrification
While offshore wind appears to be the preferred method of electrification for most platforms in the medium to long term, there are some other technologies that may prove useful in reaching Net Zero. A number of companies are developing technologies for floating solar PV panels, although to date these have mostly been deployed on inland lakes, dams and shallow coastal waters. Work is now underway to develop panels that can withstand the harsh conditions of the open North Sea. The Zon-op-Zee project in the Netherlands “remained stable and intact in all conditions” as it weathered winds of up to 62 knots and waves more than five metres high during Storm Ciara in early 20207, albeit that conditions in the North Sea can be more severe than this.
Flying kites are another niche form of power that may be appropriate for certain platforms. These have been suggested for installations that are in water too deep for fixed offshore wind turbines but for which floating wind turbines are not economic. Shell has recently invested in Makani, an Alphabet subsidiary that has piloted the technology off the Norwegian coast. These kites look similar to airplanes and are attached to buoys on the sea surface. Rotors attached to the wings spin in the wind to generate electricity as the kite flies round in a loop. These kites can be produced at a fraction of the cost of a floating wind turbine, but large-scale generation using this technology is at least five to 10 years away, according to BloombergNEF.8
In the immediate term, Premier Oil and the OGTC are piloting the use of Ocean Power Technologies’ PB3 PowerBuoy® on Premier’s Huntington field. This is a moored buoy that captures power from the motion of ocean waves to allow it to provide monitoring capabilities and protect subsea architecture. The technology will monitor the local environment and alert ships of the field’s safety zone as a potential solution to help with their future decommissioning. The buoy constantly recharges itself by harvesting energy from waves, operating in depths from 20 up to 3,000 metres9 . Powering on-board or sea-bed sensors, it enables real-time data transfer and communication with remote facilities. When paired up with different payload configurations, the buoys will be able to support small field developments or act as a charging/communications hub for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) applications.10
Gas-to-wire as a concept involves the offshore combustion of gas to generate power which can then be exported to the onshore grid using existing offshore wind transmission infrastructure or through bespoke transmission systems. In certain circumstances, the transmission of gas-generated power may be more economical or feasible for an upstream company than the transportation of gas.
Gas-to-wire has a more obvious affinity with the original, and still fundamental, objective of the OGA Strategy (maximising the economic recovery of petroleum or MER) than it does with the proposed new Net Zero additions to the Strategy. Perhaps for this reason, it is not explicitly mentioned in the OGA’s recent consultation, and it is less prominent in its Final Report than platform electrification. However, its potential has previously been highlighted by the OGA and it is not necessarily incompatible with the pursuit of Net Zero objectives.11
There is increasing interest in gas-to-wire as a solution for companies accessing undeveloped or stranded gas reserves e.g. remote pools or tight gas plays where such reserves would otherwise be uneconomic to develop with conventional (pipeline) access to market. One possible model would see mobile platforms fitted with aeroderivative gas turbines connecting to these marginal assets to produce electricity, and moving on to the next asset as each one is fully depleted.
Gas-to-wire could play a part in extending the economic viability of late-life assets where production is declining by potentially providing a more cost-effective means to monetise the remaining gas by converting it into power. Extending the life of assets in this way could also help defer expensive decommissioning costs. Another use would be for it simply to provide an extra revenue stream for companies and reduce future opex costs, particularly with regard to costs associated with the export of gas e.g. compression. Much depends on whether transmission of power or transportation of gas is more economically or technically feasible in any given circumstances.
On its own, a gas-to-wire project is unlikely to assist directly in the achievement of Net Zero. In theory, gas-to-wire could be used in conjunction with CCS to provide low carbon, but non-renewable power. However, it is unclear whether carbon capture offshore and from the kinds of generating equipment concerned would be cost-effective. There is also the possibility that the offshore combustion of gas for the production of electricity to be exported onshore via offshore wind cable capacity could free up existing gas export pipelines for use on CCS projects involving onshore emitters. However, the principal use of a gas-to-wire project would likely be to fulfil a company’s obligation under the Strategy to maximise the economic recovery of otherwise unrecoverable petroleum – for example, by extending asset life to avoid “domino effects” when one of a number of interlinked assets is decommissioned. It is yet to be seen how the OGA would prioritise the competing obligations of a company with respect to compliance with the Central Obligation (i) as it stands, and (ii) with the likely addition of the further obligation to contribute towards Net Zero.
Given the unincorporated joint venture nature of the majority of offshore oil and gas operations, a key component in the implementation of any gas-to-wire project will be obtaining the consent of the joint venture parties. It is unlikely that existing JOAs include provision for the re-purposing of late-life assets for gas-to-wire. Such proposals will not suit every industry participant and there are key differences between marketing gas and power: many upstream participants will be less familiar with the power sector. Oil and gas companies that are interested in the concept will likely want to start discussing any such proposals with their JOA parties as soon as possible to get an understanding as to the level of agreement within the JV regarding using gas-to-wire to develop further gas reserves or as a means of extending the economic viability of late-life assets, as well as coupling it with CCS technology. Similarly, JV parties that may not want to pursue a gas-to-wire project and are in the minority in terms of voting power and/or JV participating interest will likely want to understand what protections are afforded to them under the JOA.
Before any question of JOA provision arises, the potential feasibility of gas-to-wire for any upstream asset is likely to depend to a large extent on there being nearby existing or proposed offshore wind transmission infrastructure with some spare capacity. Unless a gas-to-wire project can make use of such infrastructure, the capex costs involved in an oil and gas company developing its own transmission system for the electricity it generates may be prohibitively high unless the asset is located close to the shore. The location of a company’s assets is therefore key. Currently, the areas of focus for potential gas-to-wire projects – as promoted by the OGA – are the Southern North Sea and East Irish Sea where existing oil and gas and offshore wind infrastructure already co-exist in close proximity to one another (the OGA has highlighted 15 cases where an upstream hub is within 10-50km of an existing or planned offshore wind farm in these areas).12 Additionally, not all platforms will be suitable to host a gas turbine with sufficient capacity to make a gas-to-wire project commercially viable.
Without its own dedicated power export cable, a gas-to-wire project would depend on (i) the willingness of a wind farm owner or OFTO to accept additional power generation and (ii) the spare capacity in existing offshore wind transmission systems. Neither of these points is necessarily straightforward.
Assuming that agreement could be reached with a wind farm owner or OFTO, if there is insufficient capacity in existing transmission assets to allow the gas-to-wire and renewable generators to export their power for much of the time, there appear to be two options: (i) reinforcement of the existing assets; or (ii) a regime that allocates scarce transmission capacity between the two generators in a pre-determined way.
If reinforcement of existing assets is required in order to facilitate offshore gas-power generation, an oil and gas company would likely need to make a connection application to the National Electricity System Operator (NETSO). The NETSO may request that an OFTO make additional capacity available to the new generator. If requested, the OFTO is required to offer terms to the NETSO for providing the additional capacity (so long as it does not exceed 20% of the initial capital cost). However, it is not clear how realistic a prospect this is, as the interactions with the OFTO regime are not straightforward and, in any event, reinforcement is unlikely to be achievable without additional capex in most cases.
The amount of spare capacity in OFTO assets, including the variation of such capacity on a day-to-day basis, and the cost of any required reinforcement as well as the unknown willingness of stakeholders in existing OFTO assets to allow alterations to be made to existing infrastructure all add additional complexity to any potential gas-to-wire project, quite possibly making many such projects uneconomic. There may also be technical challenges to having mixed generation at OFTO connection points that may need to be overcome (for example, separate metering of the gas-fired generator’s output to that of the output from the wind farm for which the wind power generator is entitled to receive subsidies).
An offshore generating station other than a wind farm, which generates power for the onshore grid rather than to power upstream industry processes, is currently a regulatory anomaly. With respect to the current oil and gas regulatory regime, licences for the exploration and production of petroleum granted pursuant to the Petroleum Act 1998 do not expressly provide for the licensee to obtain consent from the OGA to use natural gas for power generation. Currently, a licensee is required to obtain consent from the OGA for the flaring of gas or for re-injection for the purposes of creating or increasing well pressure, so it is likely that OGA consent would also be needed for the use of gas for offshore power generation of a commercial nature. We consider that such consent would be separate from any approval given at the development stage for an operator to use natural gas from the well as fuel gas for production operations, particularly given the larger volumes that would be involved and that such gas-generated power would be for onward supply and commercial gain. Therefore, there may need to be an amendment to the current statutory licence terms to cater for such consent to be given.
Further questions also arise as to the rules under which gas-to-wire would be consented for planning/environmental purposes. Would it need a generating licence under the Electricity Act 1989? (Answer: yes, unless its output was below 50MW or it sought and obtained from ministers an individual exemption from the requirement to hold such a licence.) What rules on non-CO2 emissions would apply to it? What changes may be required to electricity industry codes in respect of it?
There are, in short, many legal, as well as practical questions to consider in relation to gas-to-wire, and it is not yet clear whether the “size of the prize” in commercial terms is such as to motivate regulators to answer them all.
While the OGA’s consultation focuses primarily on utilising CCS or hydrogen projects as a way of helping the wider economy to decarbonise, platform electrification and gas-to-wire could help certain upstream players comply with the Net Zero obligation whilst also maximising their recovery of economically recoverable petroleum.
The Final Report contains some very interesting ideas about how these concepts could be developed. However, such projects raise fundamental considerations of practicality and commercial feasibility whilst also requiring some regulatory changes before they could become a reality. However, the regulatory/political will to make such changes may exist. For example, to the extent that the offshore transmission regime contributes to any of the obstacles or uncertainties considered above, it should be noted that the government has recently kicked off a review of the current regime. Although this is being done more with a view to facilitating the government’s very ambitious 2030 offshore wind targets than with the needs of oil and gas power supply in mind, it is possible that some of the challenges that the upstream industry faces could be alleviated by any forthcoming burst of new legislative and regulatory activity in this area.
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Energy regulator Ofgem found 18 suppliers did not adhere to price protection rules, which protect a customer’s tariff price when they decide to either switch suppliers or tariffs after a price increase.
Several of the suppliers self-reported the issue to Ofgem. All suppliers were then requested to self-assess their practices, which revealed that 18 suppliers were not compliant between 2013-2020.
In total, over 1 million customers were overcharged over £7.2 million.
The customers affected included:
Most of the failures were down to suppliers not having adequate arrangements in place to make sure the protections were applied in full when customers decided to switch.
The suppliers have since agreed to refund all affected customers, and in some cases make goodwill payments, to the tune of £10.4 million. Where it has not been possible to process refunds, the suppliers have agreed to make payments to the energy redress fund.
Ofgem made clear to suppliers that customers’ tariffs are protected while either switching suppliers or tariffs and they need to ensure their systems, processes and practices are fit for purpose.
Ofgem expects all suppliers to ensure that they comply with these requirements and if further non-compliance is identified, Ofgem will be likely to take formal action.
Anna Rossington, interim director of retail at Ofgem said:
“Customers should have confidence in switching and not be overcharged when doing so. This case sends a strong message to all suppliers that Ofgem will intervene where customers are overcharged and ensure that no supplier benefits from non-compliance.
“It also shows that, where appropriate, Ofgem is prepared to work with suppliers who have failed to comply with the rules, but who are willing to self-report issues and put things right for their customers.”
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Contact Energy4 today for further information
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Energy regulator Ofgem found 18 suppliers did not adhere to price protection rules, which protect a customer’s tariff price when they decide to either switch suppliers or tariffs after a price increase.
Several of the suppliers self-reported the issue to Ofgem. All suppliers were then requested to self-assess their practices, which revealed that 18 suppliers were not compliant between 2013-2020.
In total, over 1 million customers were overcharged over £7.2 million.
The customers affected included:
Most of the failures were down to suppliers not having adequate arrangements in place to make sure the protections were applied in full when customers decided to switch.
The suppliers have since agreed to refund all affected customers, and in some cases make goodwill payments, to the tune of £10.4 million. Where it has not been possible to process refunds, the suppliers have agreed to make payments to the energy redress fund.
Ofgem made clear to suppliers that customers’ tariffs are protected while either switching suppliers or tariffs and they need to ensure their systems, processes and practices are fit for purpose.
Ofgem expects all suppliers to ensure that they comply with these requirements and if further non-compliance is identified, Ofgem will be likely to take formal action.
Anna Rossington, interim director of retail at Ofgem said:
“Customers should have confidence in switching and not be overcharged when doing so. This case sends a strong message to all suppliers that Ofgem will intervene where customers are overcharged and ensure that no supplier benefits from non-compliance.
“It also shows that, where appropriate, Ofgem is prepared to work with suppliers who have failed to comply with the rules, but who are willing to self-report issues and put things right for their customers.”
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Renewing your energy contract Renewing your energy contract Renewing your energy contract
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Limited Tariff Options: Refusing a smart meter could limit your access to certain energy tariffs, especially those that offer cheaper rates based on smart meter data.
Potential Costs: While there is no direct charge from Ofgem for refusing a smart meter, some suppliers might charge for installing a traditional meter if a smart meter is declined.
39% of people said their smart displays had simply stopped working in the aforementioned Uswitch survey.
Smart technology is relatively seamless, but when it comes to smart meters, they still need to be fitted by a professional.
It’s bad enough when most of your electrical devices shut down, but when the machine which measures your energy usage refuses to work, it can cause a plethora of problems.
Changing suppliers is one of the best ways to save money on your energy bills – but if it causes your meter to lose its smart abilities, the switch can feel like it wasn’t worth it.
Smart meters can cut your energy bills, and in doing so help reduce your contribution to climate change, but they can’t do it by themselves.
Smart meters currently report your usage through mobile networks, which can be unreliable in certain areas, particularly if you live in a rural location.
Meters can help you to track your energy usage – but constantly being aware of how much you’re spending has a downside, particularly for older people on a fixed income.
There are two more common types of contracts for businesses, 28 day rolling contracts and the Deemed Rates contracts
VAT rates
There are 3 different rates of VAT and you must make sure you charge the right amount.
Get a list of reduced or zero-rated goods and services.
Standard rate
Most goods and services are standard rate. You should charge this rate unless the goods or services are classed as reduced or zero-rated.
This includes any goods below the distance selling threshold you supply from Northern Ireland to non-VAT registered EU customers. If you go over the threshold, you’ll have to register for VAT in that country.
Reduced rate
When you charge this rate can depend on what the item is as well as the circumstances of the sale, for example:
Zero rate
Zero-rated means that the goods are still VAT-taxable but the rate of VAT you must charge your customers is 0%. You still have to record them in your VAT accounts and report them on your VAT Return. Examples include:
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What criteria businesses do need to meet to be levied at 5 percent VAT?
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Currently, suppliers estimate customers’ electricity use based on the average customer’s consumption patterns. There may be discrepancies between this and how much wholesale electricity a supplier has bought. Settlement reconciles these.
Half-hourly settlement is a major part of the smart, flexible energy system. It can help make the future low-carbon system that we are working towards both affordable and secure. It will help integrate smart technology into the electricity system to help us use the network and the electricity it generates more effectively. It also means that suppliers can bill customers accurately, and base these more closely on the cost of generating and supplying the electricity they use.
From 1 April 2017, all medium and large businesses must be settled on their half-hourly electricity use. This is known in the industry as the code modification P272. Businesses will have detailed usage information and can use this to shop around for a supplier who offers them value for money based on their specific needs.
Smart tariffs are price signals to consumers. Lower prices reflect the lower cost of generating and transmitting electricity at certain times of the day and year. These prices reflect both the cost of generating and transporting electricity. It is cheap when there is lots of wind and solar energy available, and expensive when diesel-powered generators are used. These prices also include the longer-term costs of building and maintaining electricity networks and power plants. Based on their lifestyle and circumstances, consumers who choose smart tariffs will save money when they consume less during peak periods.
We have launched an industry code review, which will allow us to work with industry and consumer groups over the next couple of years to weigh up whether to require all consumers with smart meters in Great Britain be settled using their half-hourly data.
However, rollover contracts are easy to avoid and you have legal rights which are on your side to help you. When your energy contract is due to finish, you need to cancel it within the set time period otherwise your energy supplier are within their rights to automatically sign you up to a new contract and new – usually higher – rates. This is what is called a ‘rollover’ energy contract.
The new contract you end up with will not be good value for money or a competitive tariff, and you’ll be stuck with it for at least one year.
How can you avoid being rolled over?
rollover energy contract If your supplier continues to operate a rollover energy contract and your business is a macro business, you can avoid being automatically rolled over by providing termination notice to them in line with their policies. Regardless of when you terminate (as long as you do), Energy4 can secure you a new contract anything up to 6 months before your contract end date.
You won’t be able to start this contract before your current one finishes but you will be able to lock in your prices at the earliest opportunity so that when you see a good deal, you can act to secure it.
If, for whatever reason, you terminate your contract with your current supplier but do not agree a new contract with them or another supplier before your end date then you will have to pay out-of-contract rates. These are very punitive rates designed to force you to agree a lower priced, but still premium priced fixed term contract with the supplier.
I have been put on a rollover energy contract – What do I do?
If you have been rolled over, sadly, it’s Could your energy costs be cheaper with SSE? too late in most circumstances. There is little you can do.
This is why a rollover energy contract can be so frustrating to businesses who have found themselves on higher rates who have missed the opportunity to terminate or negotiate. Even if your supplier won’t release you from your contract, Energy4 will work with your supplier to negotiate backdates for customers caught by rollover terms. However – not all suppliers offer this and not all customers are eligible.
If the worst happens and you are rolled over, and you are certain that you didn’t receive a renewal letter before your contract was due to end, then you have grounds to argue the case with you energy supplier.
For most rollovers you will be locked in for the full 12 months and it becomes important to make steps to ensure that this doesn’t happen again.
Immediately terminate your contract as soon as you become aware you have been rolled over and contract Energy4 with your new contract end date. We can then line up a deal for you well in advance of the next deadline and make sure you don’t rollover again.
If further help is needed, the Citizens Advice consumer helpline can offer advice if you’re having trouble paying your energy bills or if you’re not happy with the payment plan options your supplier is offering you.
So what are the rules given to suppliers regarding rollover energy contracts?
Rollover might seem unfair, but it isn’t against the law and it doesn’t break any rules.
There are however some laws around how rollovers should be handled that provide you with some protection if your business is a micro business:
– Around 60 days (but no longer than 120 days) before your contract is due to end, your energy supplier must send you a letter telling you the details of your renewal offer and the contract will be rolled on to if you fail to act on your renewal.
– You can’t be rolled over to a new contract that lasts longer than 12 months.
– Once you’ve received your renewal, you will then have a defined period in which you need to tell your energy supplier that you don’t want to accept the tariff you were offered. This period is specific to each supplier, visit our dedicated supplier pages to understand the notice period your supplier needs to prevent you being rolled over.
You can also identify which suppliers operate a rollover policy and which do not in our dedicated supplier pages.
Want to see how we have helped our customers to save? Check out our business energy case studies pages to find out how our service have benefited other businesses in your sector.
The letter below contains our decision to modify the gas and electricity supply licences by amending standard licence condition (SLC) 1 and SLC 7A. It explains how our decision takes into account the responses to the statutory consultation published on 30 July 2014.
These modifications will require suppliers to:
All the changes will take effect on 30 April 2015.
Contact Energy4 today for further information
Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat
To discuss further, please contact Energy4
Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814
Email: contact@energy4.co.uk
Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you
Click here to contact Energy4 today
Contact Energy4 today for further information
Further information
business electricity business gas
They can also give you your electricity Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN). This tells your energy supplier where your meter is and your electricity supply number.
A Meter Point Administration Number, also known as MPAN, Supply Number or S-Number, is a 21-digit reference used in Great Britain to uniquely identify electricity supply points such as individual domestic residences. The gas equivalent is the Meter Point Reference Number and the water/wastewater equivalent for non-household customers is the Supply Point ID. The system was introduced in 1998 in order to provide a competitive environment for the electricity companies, and allows consumers to switch their supplier easily as well as simplifying administration. Although the name suggests that an MPAN refers to a particular meter, an MPAN can have several meters associated with it,[1] or indeed none where it is an unmetered supply. A supply receiving power from the network operator (DNO) has an Import MPAN, while generation and microgeneration projects feeding back into the DNO network are given Export MPANs.
Contact Energy4 today for further information
Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat
To discuss further, please contact Energy4
Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814
Email: contact@energy4.co.uk
Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you
Click here to contact Energy4 today
Contact Energy4 today for further information
Further information
business electricity business gas
Please be aware that the Feed-In Tariffs scheme closed to new applicants from 1 April 2019, barring some exceptions. We have published an FAQ and guidance document which help explain the impact of these changes.
The Feed-In Tariffs scheme is available for anyone who has installed, or is looking to install, one of the following technology types up to a capacity of 5MW, or 2kW for CHP:
Micro combined heat and power (CHP)
Anaerobic digestion (AD)
How does the scheme work?
Feed-In Tariffs payments are made quarterly (at least) for the electricity your installation has generated and exported. Payments are made based on the meter reading you submit to your energy supplier (we call them your Feed-In Tariffs licensee).
For large installations, by the date and time the application was received by Ofgem.
Generators are the owners of installations who apply to the Feed-In Tariffsscheme.
Feed-In Tariffs Licensees are energy suppliers who process applications submitted for small installations and make Feed-In Tariffs payments to all installations.
Monitoring deployment caps and publishing reports.
Processing applications for large installations.
Processing applications from community and school applicants.
Ensuring suppliers comply with the Feed-In Tariffs scheme requirements.
The Feed-In Tariffs scheme policy and tariff rates are set by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
The Renewables Obligation (RO) is one of the main support mechanisms for large-scale renewable electricity projects in the UK. Smaller scale generation is mainly supported through the Feed-In Tariffs (FIT scheme).
ROCs are certificates issued to operators of accredited renewable generating stations for the eligible renewable electricity they generate. Operators can trade ROCs with other parties. ROCs are ultimately used by suppliers to demonstrate that they have met their obligation.
For information on how the obligation level is set each year, please visit the DECC website.
The RO scheme policy is set by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and, in Northern Ireland, the Department for the Economy (DfE), but the scheme is administered by Ofgem.
Contact Energy4 today for further information
Location: 25 Hartley Meadow, Whitchurch, Hampshire, RG28 7BW
Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat
To discuss further, please contact Energy4
Telephone: Call us on 01642 888814 & 01642 888816
Email: contact@energy4.co.uk
Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you
Click here to contact Energy4 today
Contact Energy4 today for further information
What makes your services different from others?
business gas business electricity
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
Post code.
Direct debit payment terms are the best way to pay and this also shows the supplier you will pay on time.
Your meter profile is the first two digits on your meter reference number, the range is between 00 and 08, this classification is related to your consumption as small business has an average 03/04 profile.
Your annual consumption as SME is averages about 20,000 kWh annually.
How you use gas and electricity as a business will differ from the average household. So business energy contracts are different, with offers varying between business energy suppliers.
A deemed contract normally applies if you move into new business premises and don’t agree a contract. You could also be on a deemed or out-of-contract contract if your current contract ends but the supplier continues supplying energy that you use. This might happen if the original contract does not state what will happen at the end of a contract or does not have renewal provisions.
You’re charged a set rate per unit of energy (measured in kWh) for the fixed term of the contract. This doesn’t fix your total bill, which will go up or down with your energy usage.
Where the rate charged per unit of energy (measured in kWh) is linked to market activity. So your rate per unit of energy could change throughout your contract.
This normally applies if you’ve not agreed a different contract before your current contract end date and there are no renewal provisions. If you are a microbusiness, this contract can’t last more than 12 months.
They are usually longer
Business energy contracts often last up to five years or more in length with most one to three years. You’re usually tied into the contract until you enter a switching window in the contract. Normally this is near the contract end date. If you don’t give notice to your supplier about a planned switch in this period, you could roll over to an expensive default contract. It’s important to know your business contract end date and the notice periods required.
Household energy contracts offer 14 days to cancel from the date you agree a contract if you change your mind. Most business energy contracts don’t offer this, though it is worth asking about.
You could agree a contract on the phone. It’s best to ask for all terms to be sent in writing before you agree to an offer.
You’ll typically need to get separate quotes for gas and electricity contracts when shopping around, and will be billed separately for each too.
Energy4 does not place Consultant fees directly onto Bills. Many do presently. This will be clearly marked in bills. If you are presently using a business that has incorporate their fee, depending on your broker’s agreement with a supplier, it is best to ask for all terms of a broker agreement. This can be used when communicating with OfGem especially as many brokerage consultant fees added are never discussed with the Client, however added in subclauses to the back of contracts.
If you are on a deemed energy contract, a supplier must not:
A supplier can move you onto a rollover energy contract if you have not told them you plan to end a contract before the notice period runs out.
For microbusiness customers, suppliers must:
allow you to tell them if you want to switch at the end of your contract at any time before the notice period.
Suppliers must take all reasonable steps to identify if you are a microbusiness. If they do not think you qualify, supply them with supporting evidence. This should include evidence that your business either:
Changes to industry rules mean suppliers now record business energy use every half hour, as part of a process called ‘settlement’. You’ll be moved onto these arrangements when you renew a business energy contract or switch supplier. You’re only affected if you’re a business customer in profile classes 5-8 and have an advanced meter. If you’re not sure, check with your supplier.
Energy4 will identify the best utility provider who is cost-effective for small retailers and hair salons.
Energy4 will identify well-known provider that offers a mix of fixed-term and variable tariffs.
It’s important to compare quotes from multiple suppliers to find the best deal for your specific needs. Eneergy4 identify utilities for Business and can help you compare rates and find the most affordable option
Energy4 looks at all suppliers, and offers a range of fixed and variable tariffs.
Energy4 is good at helping small retailers and hair salons, and flexible rates.
Energy4 is known for excellent customer support and green energy options.
Energy4 offers competitive rates for both gas and electricity.
It’s a good idea to use Energy4 as a comparison tool for Business utilities to get quotes tailored to your specific needs
Use Energy-Efficient Appliances: Look for appliances with high energy efficiency ratings. They might cost more upfront but save money in the long run.
Adjust Thermostat Settings: Lowering your thermostat by just one degree can save a significant amount on heating costs.
Wash Clothes in Cold Water: Using cold water for laundry can save energy and still clean your clothes effectively.
Limit Use of Tumble Dryers: Air-drying clothes whenever possible can save a lot of energy.
Install Smart Thermostats: These can optimize heating and cooling schedules based on your habits, saving energy without sacrificing comfort.
Additional Resources
Energy Saving Trust: Offers a comprehensive guide on how to save energy at home, including tips on insulation and efficient heating.
Energy4: Provides detailed advice on reducing energy consumption and finding the best energy deals.
Implementing even a few of these tips can make a noticeable difference in your energy consumption.
Contact Us At Energy4 Today
For business electricity, gas, water, and telecom’s advice
We will call or call us on 01256643634 – South Office & 01642888814 – North Office to get a quote now. Guaranteed good quotes to all our business customers, saving you money
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Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Friday
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01256643634 – South Office
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Email: contact@energy4.co.uk
Contract Form: Contact Energy4 today – click here
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What Is A FAQ Page?
A great FAQ page is one of the most important elements of your business website. While your company needs to have great content and clean architecture to provide a great user experience. Your site FAQ section will draw most of your traffic and convert more customers.
FAQ pages are an integral part of good navigation and the customer journey for most websites. This section of your site is the go-to area for your audience who want to learn more about your business and find out why your products and services are what they want.
Whenever someone clicks on the FAQ page you know, they in your business. For many people, the website FAQ page is the second page they go to after the Home or Services pages. Instead of guessing what topics you should cover, you can use several online marketing tools for small business to help you understand the needs of your customers. This is a great way to optimize your Frequency Asked Questions page before spending a lot of time or resources on the task.
For many people, the website FAQ page is the second page they go to after the Home or Services pages. Your FAQ section needs to include high-quality content that will help your customers understand your products and services quickly.
This means that your FAQ page can play a central role in driving your audience to paying customers. It is a good idea to invest in high-quality content for your FAQ page to ensure that your content converts and helps your business reach your goals.
Along with the technical questions and answers, your FAQ section will establish you as an authority in your industry. The FAQ page shows that you know so much about your products and services that you can answer questions before they are even asked!
You can also use your FAQ page as a form of social proof because your business can establish your website as a valuable asset to drive sales.
Finally, your website Frequency Asked Questions page will reduce a lot of stress from your customer service department. Instead of fielding a large volume of accessible to answer questions. Your business should promote your FAQ page to your clients as their go-to source of information about your business.
Could You Use An Extra 1,377 Monthly Visitors?
Wondering how an FAQ page can help your company? Check out the full case study to see how our website copywriting & content marketing helped Export Solutions today!
The Main Benefits Of Your FAQ Page Explained
Along with being a central location of your website, your visitors will go to your FAQ page if they want to learn more about your products and offerings.
Since your Frequency Asked Questions section will be the highlight of your website, you should link to product pages from the FAQ page. This will help your internal linking strategy and spread the benefits of a great SEO strategy to other areas of your website.
1. Your FAQ Help You Address Your Reader’s Needs
If you want to increase the usability of your site, improve your business authority, and increase conversions, then you need to have an excellent FAQ section. Think of your FAQ page as the main hub that your customers can go to with their questions.
One of the strongest reasons to have a FAQ section is to address the needs of your readers. Since your customers that they want more information about your products and services by going to your FAQ page. You should provide high-quality content about your business on the FAQ page.
The best thing you can do to overcome objections and increase sales is to provide accurate information to address questions your customers might be asking. Instead of allowing uncertainty to prevent a sale, you can use their items as fuel to establish your business as an industry leader and drive more conversions.
2. Establish Your Business As An Expert
Whenever you ask someone a question, you are seeking their advice because you view them as experts This same thing occurs when your customers ask you questions about your product and services. Since your customers want to know information about issues that your business knows about, you can use your FAQ section as a way to establish your business as a trusted expert.
Whenever your audience asks you questions about your business, you can establish yourself as an expert by answering their questions with great information.
Your competition is working to draw your customers to them, so you should do everything you can to establish yourself as a trusted expert. Providing excellent answers to the questions your customers are asking is the best way for you to be a reliable source.
Use your FAQ section to help your business earn the trust of your customers. You can use your FAQ section as the first touchpoint with your customers where you can direct your customers to begin the relationship that will convert them into paying customers.
3. Improve Your Sales
If your business has an optimized FAQ section on your website, then you will see an increase in conversions since the percentage of visitors on your website will buy your products and services.
However, having an FAQ page with miscellaneous information won’t do the trick.
Your FAQ page needs to be tailored to the specific needs of your customers. In addition to having focused content, you should have links from your FAQ page to your product pages and online shop.
More advanced tactics for a FAQ page is to compare your products and services to those of your competition. This will give you a natural way to show the advantages of your business compared to your competition.
4. Boost Your Search Engine Optimization
Search engines love FAQ pages because they provide relevant content to help Google understand your business.
This means that you need lots of good content to help your business get found in search engines. Your website’s FAQ page is the perfect place to publish lots of interesting information about your business, products, and services.
You can also leverage your FAQ page to include long-tail keywords that your customers are searching for. Since you are already providing information about your business, you can add keyword-rich content so when someone searches for your products and services they will find your FAQ page.
The questions and answers you include on your FAQ page will on the user personas that you have to build to represent your customers. As you continue to develop more answers for this section, you will find this page will rank high in search engines.
This is why you should include specific and detailed questions on your FAQ page. This section should contain relevant information about your business so you can get picked up in search engines like Google and Bing.
A Few Tips For Writing Your FAQ Page
To write a great FAQ page, you will need to know what your customers are asking most often. You should think about whether your clients ask about individual features and unsure about some technical aspects of your products and services.
If your clients ask about your features, then you can provide accurate answers in your FAQ section and build out that information on the product pages.
Your FAQ page should complement information that exists elsewhere on your site. This approach will help your website rank for that information, and save you time producing the FAQ page since the content exists on your product pages.
Your Boring Content Is Losing You
Need website content on a budget? We deliver the copywriting you want at a price you can afford!
Since your visitors will be consuming your content on different devices and in specific ways you need to create your FAQ section to be displayed in various forms. Here are some ideas to help you write compelling FAQ content that can also be scanned and answers found.
Put yourself in your customer’s shoes to figure out what questions or problems they might experience. Provide in-depth and valuable solutions to these issues.
Your answers to the FAQs should be informative to give insight about your business, the products and services, and always point back to benefits and value. Be concise enough to offer information that is necessary but doesn’t be too wordy because you don’t want to lose your customers as they are asking questions about your company.
Format your content for easy consumption as needed. Your content should be easy to scan. You can use bullet points and short paragraphs to help your readers consume your content.
Be sure to double-check your information. Your FAQ sections need to be accurate especially if you are writing about technical topics.
Organize your questions and answers in similar groups. Your customers want to find answers.
How We Build A Great FAQ Page For Our Clients
We have already discussed why an FAQ page is important for your website, but I think it’s important to look at how you can build an FAQ page that gets you found in search engines and drives qualified leads.
One of the first things to remember when building an FAQ page is that you are trying to provide answers to specific questions that your customers have. Your answers should be educational in nature, but you should also make your answers lean towards getting your customers to engage with you and convert. This is in their best interest, and you can encourage them to interact with you by providing the answers they are looking for and setting yourself up as an authority in the market.
We did this exact thing for Export Solutions with their Import & Export Compliance FAQ page. Prior to our updates, this FAQ page was bare bones and not very helpful to readers. This resulted in low Impressions and nearly zero clicks- neither are good for their business. We took a thorough approach to update the page and here are some elements that we considered when building the page:
We used real questions. Our team looked through contact forms and listened to voicemail messages from actual customers to find out what people were asking about different aspects of trade compliance. In addition to listening to customers, we also used different tools to find other questions that mattered to Export Solutions customers.
We categorized questions into groups. After we got done scouring contact forms and listening to dozens of voicemails, we set out to organize the questions into five large groups. Each of these groups contained questions related to the main topic, and each group of questions relating to a service that Export Solutions offers.
We sent the questions to experts for answers. We are not experts in trade consulting, so we sent the questions with direction to the team at Export Solutions. We asked their team to provide a 150-200 word response to each question. This part of the process ensured that the FAQ uses correct information to address customer questions.
We added an intro to each FAQ section. We wanted to help the content get found in search engines so we added a 1-2 paragraph intro to each FAQ section. This information provides general insight to what each section will cover, why it is important, and who the answers are fo.
We added links to blog posts and service pages. We knew that the FAQ page will get lots of traffic, so we wanted to extend the value of the FAQ page for Export Solutions. To do this we added a link to relevant blog posts and service pages when appropriate. Doing this improved the flow of information throughout the site, and these links provided the customer with a way to learn more about the topic and reach out to the Export Solutions team.
Add lots of CTAs throughout the page. Since the FAQ page will get lots of traffic from customers seeking specific answers, we wanted to give customers a great reason to reach out to the Export Solutions team. We added several CTA buttons and forms on the page to attract clicks and engagement.
Improve Your Website With A Great FAQ Page
Many businesses bury their FAQ section at the bottom of their website, and this makes it difficult to for your customers to find. If your audience can’t find your FAQ page, then they can’t find the answers they want to make a sale from your website.
Since the FAQ page is also an excellent way to rank in search engines your business needs to ensure you use long-tail keywords and real-life questions to draw qualified leads. Not only will this help Google find your content, but it will also establish you as a leader in your industry.
This new level of trust will contribute to drive your audience towards a purchase and help you reach your sales goals!
If you are ready to drive more online sales with a professional website copywriter, then shoot me an email today! I will work with you to understand your audience and write compelling copy that will get your business more online sales!