
Compare Business Utility Prices And Switch Today

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Combine Business Call Back Form


Please complete the following Call Back Form to allow Energy4 to provide a quote

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Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Friday

Call Energy4 Today For A Quote

01256643634 – South Office

01642888814 – North Office

Email: contact@energy4.co.uk

Contract Form: Contact Energy4 today – click here

Please provide the best date and time of day that we should contact you.

By submitting your details you agree to Energy4 T&C’s and Privacy Policy

    First Name (required)

    Surname Name (Required)

    BUSINESS Email (Required)

    BUSINESS NAME (Required)


    Who Is Your Current Gas Utility Provider?

    What Is Your Annual Gas Consumption?

    Please provide your Gas contract end date DD-MM-YYYY?

    What Energy Bill OR Gas Consumption matches your company?
    Your Company Is Graded As

    LOW – Your Energy Bill Is Around £1,700 OR You Use 15,000 kWh Of Gas Of Year OR You Have 1 To 9 Employees

    MEDIUM – Your Energy Bill Is Around £4,500 OR You Use 40,000 kWh Of Gas Of Year OR You Have 10 To 99 Employees

    HIGH – Your Energy Bill Is Around £12,500 OR You Use 120,000 kWh Of Gas Of Year OR You Have 100+ Employees


    Who Is Your Current Electricity Utility Provider?

    What Is Your Annual Electricity Consumption?

    Please provide your Electricity contract end date DD-MM-YYYY?

    What Energy Bill OR Electricity Consumption matches your company?
    Your Company Is Graded As

    LOW – Your Energy Bill Is Around £1,700 OR You Use 15,000 kWh Of Electricity Of Year OR You Have 1 To 9 Employees

    MEDIUM – Your Energy Bill Is Around £4,500 OR You Use 40,000 kWh Of Electricity Of Year OR You Have 10 To 99 Employees

    HIGH – Your Energy Bill Is Around £12,500 OR You Use 120,000 kWh Of Electricity Of Year OR You Have 100+ Employees

    By clicking this box you are legally allowed by your business to provide utility bills for review and sign for new gas & electricity contracts. You also accept our Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy & Accept All Calls Are Recorded For Contract, Quality, Security & Training purposes. None of your details will be passed onto third parties.


    Combine Business


    Combine Business sites for your joint business account are possible.

    Energy4 can provide the services, assisting customers to combine all combine business sites with one specific utility supplier, to optimise the clerical work of all the business sites collected onto one business energy bill.

    Combine business sites involves understanding that there are multiple energy tariffs, and it pays to be aware of what each one offers.

    Energy4 has saved business consumers money by combining sites, and has a good record with customers by combining sites and obtaining the best prices.

    Below, Energy4 answer some of the key questions to help business owners determine whether combining business sites is the most suitable and cost-effective option for your business.

    Please contact Energy4 today for further information – click here


    What are combine business sites?

    A business owner receives gas and electricity from the same supplier for all combined business sites. These can be on tariffs, either fixed or variable rates.

    Energy4 can provide services of collecting combined business sites and acquiring quotes of all prices available.

    Energy4 shops around for the best deals; for example, switching energy suppliers may not be the best option depending on the business size, energy consumption, region, and credit history.

    Contact Energy4 today to understand more about combine business sites – click here


    How do I know if I am already on a combine business site agreement?

    The best and easiest way to find out if your business has combined business sites on either different or combined utility tariff is to check one of your companies most recent energy bills.

    Energy4 can be contacted to discuss this further – click here


    Is combining business sites possible?

    Yes, depending on the business size, energy consumption, region, and credit history.

    Business Site Collective Switching Energy Investigation by Energy4

    Investigations have shown repeatability that when business owners have tried to perform this process themselves, suppliers are;

    – Not forthcoming with the correct information

    – Understate the benefits

    – Do NOT obtain good deals.

    – Do NOT apply leverage to suppliers.

    Investigation by Energy4

    It was found that the Big Six offered Collective Switching, however Enrgy4 after investigation found prices of standing charge, and unit charge offered were not different when Businesses tried collective approach versus independently approaching for prices.

    The large savings presented on their page were none existent. The Astrix (*) was present however that linked to pages where 3 to 8 paragraphs of small print said their collective switching might not offer savings.

    Business customers should remain vigilant, and check the supply price being offered by the community switch against what the supplier can provide.

    Community switch should provide better prices, but Energy4 has yet to find any community switch group who can provide evidence that this has actually happened.

    Commercial collective switching does provide benefits, and placing sites and factories together has provided better prices for many Energy4 customers.

    Energy4 can be contacted today – click here

    Further information

    OfGem further information

    Understanding energy contracts with OfGem

    Fairer energy deals for microbusinesses as per OfGem

    Micro-business explained as per OfGem

    Why going to the larger energy suppliers is not the best option

    Combine Business