
Dual Fuel

Dual fuel utility bills for your business are possible. Occurs typically when a business customer prefers that its business property uses one specific utility supplier. Also, to optimise the clerical work of the business, all the meters of the business site combined onto one business energy bill.
Dual fuel utility bills involve understanding that there are multiple energy tariffs and it pays to be aware of what each one offers.  Of the choices available to business consumers, dual fuel utility bills could save business owners money, both on buyer power and how gas and electricity is received. 
Below, Energy4 answer some of the key questions to help business owners determine whether combine utility bills is the most suitable and cost-effective option for your business. Combine utility bills is referred to as dual fuel.

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Dual Fuel further explained

A business owner receives gas and electricity from the same supplier on what is known as a dual fuel tariff,  set to a fixed or variable rate.

Utility providers often try to attract new business customers by offering combined utility discounts. Switching to one provider for both may and may not be the cheapest way to pay for your business energy, mainly if your business locates an affordable fixed rate.

Energy4 shops around for the best deals, for example; switching energy suppliers may not be the best option depending on the business size, energy consumption, region, and credit history.

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How do I know if I have dual fuel?

The best and easiest way to find out if your business is currently on a combined utility tariff is to check one of your companies most recent energy bills. Alternatively, you and your business could also get in contact with your energy provider.

As well as using one or more providers, people pay for their energy in different ways.

Prepayment business customers use a meter; many business customers choose a deal or tariff for which the rate can be either fixed or variable. Some pay the provider’s default rate, which is almost always the most expensive.

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What is the average dual fuel bill?

Fuel bills vary according to business size, energy consumption, region, and credit history. In the United Kingdom, the markets for gas and electricity are regulated by Ofgem, which sets energy price caps every six months for default, prepayment and standard variable tariffs.

While price caps protect against overpricing, they do not guarantee your business is paying the lowest price for your energy.

Ofgem research shows the average standard variable tariff from the big six energy suppliers – British Gas, EDF Energy, E.ON UK, npower, Scottish Power and SSE – was £1,125 a year in July 2020, but the cheapest tariff was only £812 a year, a saving of more than £300. From 1 October 2020, the default tariff cap rate will be set at £1,042.  

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    Please provide your Gas contract end date DD-MM-YYYY?

    What Energy Bill OR Gas Consumption matches your company?
    Your Company Is Graded As

    LOW – Your Energy Bill Is Around £1,700 OR You Use 15,000 kWh Of Gas Of Year OR You Have 1 To 9 Employees

    MEDIUM – Your Energy Bill Is Around £4,500 OR You Use 40,000 kWh Of Gas Of Year OR You Have 10 To 99 Employees

    HIGH – Your Energy Bill Is Around £12,500 OR You Use 120,000 kWh Of Gas Of Year OR You Have 100+ Employees


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    What Energy Bill OR Electricity Consumption matches your company?
    Your Company Is Graded As

    LOW – Your Energy Bill Is Around £1,700 OR You Use 15,000 kWh Of Electricity Of Year OR You Have 1 To 9 Employees

    MEDIUM – Your Energy Bill Is Around £4,500 OR You Use 40,000 kWh Of Electricity Of Year OR You Have 10 To 99 Employees

    HIGH – Your Energy Bill Is Around £12,500 OR You Use 120,000 kWh Of Electricity Of Year OR You Have 100+ Employees

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    Dual Fuel