
Nabuh Energy Limited

Nabuh Energy Limited – Notice of revocation of an electricity supply licence

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    What Is Your Annual Gas Consumption?

    Please provide your Gas contract end date DD-MM-YYYY?

    What Energy Bill OR Gas Consumption matches your company?
    Your Company Is Graded As

    LOW – Your Energy Bill Is Around £1,700 OR You Use 15,000 kWh Of Gas Of Year OR You Have 1 To 9 Employees

    MEDIUM – Your Energy Bill Is Around £4,500 OR You Use 40,000 kWh Of Gas Of Year OR You Have 10 To 99 Employees

    HIGH – Your Energy Bill Is Around £12,500 OR You Use 120,000 kWh Of Gas Of Year OR You Have 100+ Employees


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    What Is Your Annual Electricity Consumption?

    Please provide your Electricity contract end date DD-MM-YYYY?

    What Energy Bill OR Electricity Consumption matches your company?
    Your Company Is Graded As

    LOW – Your Energy Bill Is Around £1,700 OR You Use 15,000 kWh Of Electricity Of Year OR You Have 1 To 9 Employees

    MEDIUM – Your Energy Bill Is Around £4,500 OR You Use 40,000 kWh Of Electricity Of Year OR You Have 10 To 99 Employees

    HIGH – Your Energy Bill Is Around £12,500 OR You Use 120,000 kWh Of Electricity Of Year OR You Have 100+ Employees

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    P Notice of Revocation and Reasons for Decision

    Nabuh Energy Limited – Notice of revocation of an electricity supply licence | Ofgem

    1. Nabuh Energy Limited (company registration number 09812753), having its registered office at 2 Pinfold Street, Sheffield S1 2GU (‘Nabuh’) is the holder of an Electricity Licence (‘the Licence’) granted or treated as granted under section 6 of the electricity Act 1989 (‘the Act’).

    2. Section 6(8) of the Act provides that a licence granted or treated as granted under the Act may be revoked in accordance with any term contained in it.

    3. Schedule 2(1)(f)(i) to the Licence provides that the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (’the Authority’) may at any time revoke the Licence on giving not less than 24 hours notice where it is unable to pay its debt (within the meaning of section 123(1) or (2) of the Insolvency Act 1986)

    4. On 20 October 2020 the Authority, pursuant to section 25(1) of the Electricity Act 1989, made a Final Order requiring Nabuh to make a payment of £2,683,631.70, plus accrued interest by no later than 31 October 2020 to the Authority in full settlement of its Renewable Obligation for the obligation period of 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020.

    5. On 18 November 2020, the Authority, a creditor, served a statutory written demand under section 123(1)(a) of the Insolvency Act 1986 for the sum of £2,683,631.70, Schedule 2(2) to the Licence extends the limit set in s.123(1)(a) to £100,000. Nabuh was unable to pay the full amount within the three weeks allowed by s.123(a)

    6. Accordingly, the Authority deems that under the terms of section 123(1)(a) of the Insolvency Act 1986

    a. Nabuh is unable to pay its debt (within the meaning of section 123(1)(a) of the Insolvency Act 1986).

    b. therefore, the condition, as set out in schedule 2(1)(f)(i) of the Licence is satisfied.

    7. The Authority notes that the sums have not been fully discharged and that Nabuh has not contested the statutory demand.

    8. For the following reasons, the Authority has decided that, in order to protect the interests of consumers, it is appropriate to give notice to revoke the licence in accordance with Schedule 2(1)(f)(i) of the Licence:

    a. given that Nabuh is unable to pay its debts, the Authority is not satisfied that the company will be able to continue to provide or otherwise procure the services necessary for supplying electricity to its customers or to pay charges under the industry arrangements;

    b. Nabuh are not active in the market having sold their customer book to Centrica, accordingly there is no need for the Authority to appoint a Supplier of Last Resort.

    9. The Authority hereby gives notice that, unless the Authority otherwise directs, with effect from 00:01 on 18 September the licence shall be revoked.

    Charles Hargreaves

    Duly authorised on behalf of the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority

    17 September 2021


    Nabuh Energy Limited Nabuh Energy Limited Nabuh Energy Limited Nabuh Energy Limited Nabuh Energy Limited

    Switch quote for business utility online made easy with Energy4

     Switch quote for your business involves many areas, including Credit Checks.
    First switch quote will involve the following;

    Provide the following information to Energy4

    • Provide your business address
    • The current name of your Supplier
    • Annual Consumption (kW)
    • Business registration (Private Limited, Sole-trader, PLC)

    Complete Letter Of Authority (LOA)

    Energy4 will provide a Letter Of Authority (LOA) for the business owner to complete, and return. Please complete and return to Energy4.
    As mandated by Ofgem, due to the commercial, energy consumption, financial, and business implications involved, aN LOA is required.

    Contract End Date (CED)

    Switch utility contracts or renewing contracts requires the contract-end-date. Located on your business utility bill, your signed agreement, or from your utility provider when switch energy Supplier

    Termination notice period

    Switch utility contracts or renewing contracts is possible with an application made before the Termination notice period. Changing energy supplier or renewed contracts when the termination notice period has been missed will result in a site being moved onto out-of-contract rates for the period specified below. Switch business sites to another energy supplier, or renewed.

    Contract Energy4 for further information

    • HAVEN – 120 DAYS
    • TOTAL – 90 DAYS
    • CNG – 90 DAYS
    • NPOWER – 60 DAYS
    • CROWN – 30 DAYS
    • SSE – 30 DAYS
    • EDF – 30 DAYS
    • BG – 90 DAYS
    • EON – 90 DAYS
    • OPUS – 90 DAYS
    • YGP – 90 DAYS

    Switch quote from Energy4

    Energy4 will provide a switch quote for your utilities from the entire market, showing the best-priced utility down to the most expensive available.
    Energy quote from Energy4 compares Suppliers, tariffs, from the lowest priced, customer satisfaction scores, to green energy tariffs, fixed deals, and exit fee requirements.

    Switch energy supplier or renew present supplier

    Once the business owner has decided to switch the present Supplier or renew energy supplier, business credit reviewed as each Supplier has requirements. The contract confirmed with payment details provided.  Paying by Direct Debit can usually save money. 

    Energy4 will then forward to the business owner a copy of the energy contract to be completed. Energy contract completed, and a copy returned to Energy4.

    Contract Energy4 for further information

    Energy contract submitted

    Completed energy contract is submitted to the selected utility provider.
    Business owner retains the original energy contract.
    Prices locked in, and contract processed.

    Contract Energy4 for further information

    Energy contract processed

    The energy Supplier will notify Energy4 of the processing of the energy contract.

    Contract Energy4 for further information

    Previous energy supplier can reject the transfer

    Previous energy supplier can reject the transfer by;
    – Objection to the Letter of Authority
    – Business owner is already in a contract and is not free to leave when the new energy Supplier is applying to take the supply
    – Business owner has debts or unpaid bills on their account before the new energy Supplier applies to take the supply
    – The new energy supplier is applying for the incorrect transfer date
    – Business owner is applying for a Change-of-tenancy (COT), and the new energy Supplier is attempting to take the supply before the COT is logged.

    New energy supplier can reject the contract

    New energy supplier can reject the contract by;

    – Objection to the Letter of Authority
    – Business owner is already in a contract and is not free to leave when the incoming Supplier is applying to take the supply
    – Business owner has debts or unpaid bills on their account before the new energy Supplier applies to take the supply
    – The new energy Supplier is applying for the incorrect transfer date
    – Business owner is applying for a Change-of-tenancy (COT), and the new energy Supplier is attempting to take the supply before the COT is logged 

    Confirm switch of energy supplier

    The Supplier will notify both the business owner and Energy4 of the switch, and activation of the new contract.

    Provide the following information to Energy4

    Contract End Date (CED) 

    Termination notice period

    Termination by the Telegraph
    Ofgem explains Termination

    Energy quote from Energy4

    Telegraph explains
    Which Magazine advice
    Citizen Advice Bureau discusses

    Energy contract submitted

    Confirm switch of energy supplier or renew present supplier

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