
Customer Success Manager

Customer Success Manager

Customer Success Manager (CSM) in Energy4 is responsible for developing customer relationships that promote retention and loyalty. Working closely with customers to ensure they are satisfied with the services they receive and to improve upon areas of dissatisfaction. CSM provides utility and commercial support to customers intending to keep customers satisfied with Energy4

Duties and Responsibilities

Customer Success Manager has many duties and responsibilities, that include Establishing Customer Support Practices and Provide Utility And Commercial Support.

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Establishing Customer Support Practices

Customer Success Manager is responsible for creating policies and procedures that optimise the customer experience. Customer Success Managers may gather feedback from their customers, study other customer success programs and analyse customer data to identify the best practices. Customer Success Manager must establish policies the entire staff can adhere to so all customers receive the same quality of service.

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Provide Utility And Commercial Support

Customer Success Manager knows Energy4. They provide utility and commercial support to customers. Customer Success Manager helps customers plan and understand the best utility based on the customer’s business needs or business plans. CSM not focused on making sales, preferably on educating its customers on the capabilities of utilities, and flexibility to switch suppliers.

When a business buyer makes an initial purchase from a seller, it’s only the start of the value exchange between the two. Most of the mutual
value accrues over time as the customer benefits and both continues and expands purchasing.

Consequently, more companies are shifting responsibility for ongoing customer care and growth from an account manager. This title was almost unheard of a decade ago. But, in a 2019 survey of high-tech companies conducted by our consulting firm, ZS, more than 40% of 109 respondents reported having CSMs. And a LinkedIn survey identified customer success manager as the second most promising sales job for 2019, behind enterprise account executive.

As their ranks swell, CSMs face a multi-faceted balancing act. They straddle the gap between service and sales, between company interest and customer interest, and between product expertise and customer insight.
When done right, CSMs are a powerful growth engine. Too often, however, customers perceive CSMs to be more interested in making sales than in driving their success. Inconsistency with the role’s title creates customer dissonance and distrust, threatening renewal and an expansion of the relationship.

HBR Explained

Custom success information

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Get In Touch

Opening Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Mon to Friday

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01256643634 – South Office

01642888814 – North Office

Email: contact@energy4.co.uk

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Customer Success Manager